Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Not quite great but getting better...

That about sums up how the situation at the Grad school is going.

I went to LC early on Monday to find out the status of my enrollment. While I found out nothing new on that end, I spoke with the professor who teaches Research Methods (which happens to also be on Mondays from 4-6pm) and he allowed me into his class. So at least now I don't have to bother that other professor (b/c she wasn't gonna let me in anyways).

While I'm not looking forward to taking both Research Methods and Fundamentals of Ed/Psych Measurement in the same semester, at least the professors allowed me into their classes and I won't fall behind on anything. Now I just gotta wait for the actual paperwork, officially letting me into the program to go through. But I'm not gonna waste the energy worrying about that, b/c there isn't anything I can do about it yet. So I just gotta pray everything works out.


Went to my friend David's graduation party this weekend. Had a pretty good time and saw a bunch of people I hadn't seen in awhile. Food was great too, but later on it didn't agree with me and took me out for a part of the weekend, which wasn't cool. Oh well...


Staying in the vein of mixed blessings for the weekend, the Yankees took 2 out of 3 against Boston this weekend. They did it in convincing fashion too and I loved every second of it. However, on the National League side of things, things look just about done for my Florida Marlins. They desperately needed to sweep the Chicago Cubs in their double-header on Monday but all they could muster was a split, leaving them 4 1/2 games out with only about 12-14 more games to go. Their only chance to make the playoffs is to have the Giants, Cubs, Astros AND Padres to each go NO better than 6-6 in their last 12 games and for Florida to do no worse than 10-2, or is it 11-1? I forget... but either way, it's not something likely to happen. Not impossible... just not likely (although I'll root for them til the very end).


On the side of totally good things though- I mentioned in the other post that I had registered for the Green Day show at J&R Music World. Well I went down to pick up the wristband on Monday before I headed to LC. So it's official, I'm gonna see Green Day for FREE on Wednesday along with only 500 other people. Whoo-hoo!


I just purchased the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD over at Bestbuy and got a free "Star Wars- Insider" magazine with it. I only paid like $35 for it b/c I wound up having a $10 coupon thanks to being a member of the Bestbuy Rewardzone, so that was pretty cool. I hope I'll get a chance to go through the movies soon and pray the changes they made aren't as bad as they sounded. I'm looking forward to that.


Just read a review for X-Men Legends. For those of you not in the know, that is the new X-Men RPG coming out for all the video gamesystems. It looks really freakin cool and is coming out very soon. My problem is I'm still playing Star Wars: KOTOR, and I also have Spider-Man 2 to start (and finish) before I could even get to that. And with me in school that's gonna take awhile. Not to mention Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas are also coming out and I wanna play those too. Damn, why do all the kick ass games come out so close to each other?!?! Oh well, looks like I know what I'll be doing Christmas break, lol.


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