Tuesday, October 05, 2004

What kind of World do we live in?

Went to MSG last night for Monday Night Raw. It was a lot of fun, although I was kind of annoyed at the very beginning. Me and Ariana had spent about an hour on Sunday night creating signs to bring with us. She had a "2" and "So Close..." sign (they were both on one posterboard on either side) and I did the same thing but my 2 signs were "Orton Sucks" and "Whoo! Bitch"

So we get to MSG and we are searched at the gate as usual and the guard looks at our signs. He okays Ariana's sign but then sees mine and said I couldn't bring it in. Now I had a feeling the "Whoo! Bitch" sign may have a hard time getting in but I was surprised by what we were told.

The guard says to us "I would have allowed the "Whoo! Bitch" but we can't allow in anything that says "sucks."

We were like "Wha???" Ariana then retorted with "What kind of world do we live in where "Bitch" on a sign is acceptable but we can't say "sucks?"

The guard then told us that it's a new rule they recently implemented where people can't bring in anything that says "sucks" on it b/c it might be found "offensive." (and what putting "bitch" on a sign wouldn't? Color me confused...)

I tried to reason with the guy and even offered to blot out the word "sucks" with my marker so I could bring it in (b/c "Whoo! Bitch" was on the other side and I didn't want to lose the sign entirely) but it was a no-go. So like I said that was a bit surprising and upsetting but I got over it pretty quick b/c at least we still had Ariana's sign.

Our seats wound up being pretty freakin good. We were dead center of the arena and in the first row of our section (123) so we had a great view. We were even on the side of the camera's view, but sadly we were just a little bit higher than would come out on TV... oh well. We still put up our sign when possible and hoped at least the people on the other side of the arena got a kick out of it.

The group of dudes sitting next to us got a kick out of my smarkyness (throwing some wrestling lingo at ya!) and Ariana's energy and hysterical comments, so that was fun.

The matches they put on were really cool as well. I got to see pretty much all my fave guys in fairly big matches (Shawn Michaels vs Christian, Benoit vs Batista and Triple H vs Jericho) and the promos they had throughout the show were fun also.

One thing bothered me though, and his name is Randy Orton. I've bitched about him to my friends, hell, I've bitched about him here on this blog... but omg I was so annoyed last night to see everyone in MSG going nuts for this dude.

Like my poor discarded sign stated... ORTON SUCKS! I mean I can admit, he's improved vastly from when he first came into the WWE, but he's still nothing special, at least not special enough to be one of the top guys on Raw. There are way more deserving guys for that spot than he is. So I just cannot for the life of me understand why people like him so much!!! He can't talk on the mic, he has no cool moves, his entrance theme music is gay, he just SUCKS!

On the train ride home from the show, I made the comparison of Randy Orton to Pres. Bush. A guy who has a lot of power and the support of many people (though their intelligence may be questionable) but for no good reason I can think of. And for any "good" reason you can come up with, I can give you ten reasons why he's not any good. I'm at least thankful they took Orton off the Taboo Tuesday fan ballot for the World Title match so he can't get voted into that... now only if they could somehow do that with Bush too... hmm...


Goombah left for Maui, Hawaii this weekend making him the first person in our core group of friends to make "a big move" (state-wise I mean). It's gonna be pretty quiet during our hangouts without him, and I for one will miss him. Here's to a great new start in life for him. And as a tribute, here's one of his infamous quotes to send him out on.

Person A: "It only takes one drink to get me drunk."
Goombah: "Yeah, it only takes one drink to get me drunk too... (crowd stares...) ...only thing is I don't know which drink it is, so I just keep drinking til I get to it."

Adios, my friend, keep in touch!


Been keeping up with my comics as usual, but been noticing a trend... they're killing off characters like crazy! Maybe not big heroes or whatever (although there's been 1 or 2 of those, R.I.P. Hawkeye) but lots of fairly important supporting characters. And I'm not sure how I feel about it.

I loved the death of Kyle's mom over in Green Lantern (stuffed inside an oven by the same villain who killed Kyle's girlfriend, who had been killed and stuffed inside Kyle's fridge). Gruesome but highly effective (and staying in continuity) and it led to a very cool fight.

I wasn't the biggest fan of Gwen Stacy's death over in Ultimate Spider-Man though. I knew it would happen eventually, and I'm not even against how it happened (which was pretty cool actually), my one complaint is I think it happened too soon. But what's done is done and I'm curious as to where they will go with this.

And finally there is Identity Crisis, which is all about killing off characters, thing is I don't know much about the people they are killing b/c I don't follow DC as intently as Marvel. But it IS a pretty intriguing story and the story has me hooked. I know some DC purists dislike the story but I for one find it pretty cool.


Tonight is the start of the Baseball playoffs. Some fun matchups. I actually just finished watching St. Louis defeat LA (yay!) and Boston defeat Anaheim (boo!). Yankees vs Twins is starting soon and should be a hell of a game. The Twins have Johan Santana on the mound for them, so all Yankee fans should pray, we got a rough one ahead of us tonight. Should be an exciting postseason though. My picks are Cards and Astros in the NL and Angels and Yanks (if they get past Santana, if he wins... then there is trouble). Let's see how well my predictions work out.


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