Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Microsoft really sucks sometimes

Had a pretty hectic Saturday.

Some of Ariana's family made a semi-surprise visit (they let us know Friday night) from Massachusetts, so that made us shift plans around a bit.

Lucky for us, they showed themsevles around the Bronx for the most part, but at night they wanted to go see Ground Zero. Me and Ariana were supposed to go to Jordan and Maryann's b-day party but we had to show them the way (plus we hadn't gone to Ground Zero ever, so it would have been an experience just to see it).

So we went, looked around and then showed them how to get to Times Square while me and Ariana headed to Avenue A Sushi for the party.

Even though we got there late, people hadn't started eating yet, so it was cool. Party was fun, saw Christine and Adam which was cool since I hadn't seen them in awhile. After Avenue A Sushi, we headed to Bull McCabs as usual.

I was introduced to the "jager-bomb" which is when you drop a shot of jager into a glass of Red Bull (literally drop the shot in, glass and all). It was actually pretty damn good.

We stayed there for a bit, but eventually had to head out earlier than usual, b/c Ariana's friend Michelle was also having her b-day party that night, across town over at "Pop Burger" (a trendy burger joint).

So we headed out and I thought I was saying my last goodbye's (until the next time he visits) to Goombah, but then I was told they were gonna have one last huge send off next Saturday which sounds like it will have all the ingredients of a bachelor party/night of extreme debachery... should be fun!


Watched Raw last night, it was pretty freakin good. and they set up some potentially cool things for next week's Raw at MSG, which I will be attending with Ariana.

First off is Shawn Michaels vs Christian, which should be SWEET. Then we might have a Flair vs Orton match or something (which would also be awesome b/c MSG LOVES Flair and would boo Orton out of the building against him).

Our seats for the show are gonna be really good too. And like I mentioned in an earlier post, we are bringing signs (prob a "So Close!" and a "Orton Sucks! Vote Shelton!" sign) so keep an eye out for us in case we are on the side of the cameras.


Had some almost scary computer problems this morning.

Started last night when I got a windows update around 11:30pm which I decided to try and install. It didn't say what it was or how big it was. Just asked "express or custom set up?"

Well by around 1:15am it was still installing (and not even halfway done). It was mad late though and I wanted to go to bed, so I cancelled the install and shut down my computer for the night.

Well this morning I woke up and weather was a mess, plus I had some school work to do, so I called out of my job for the day. So I turn on my computer to get working and it doesn't boot up. Just a black screen was shown... that was not cool.

I tried rebooting, nada. I then was given the option of safe mode... still nothing. I was then given the option to reverting to the last time the computer was ok. This brought back my computer... or so I thought.

Things were acting a bit wacky, PLUS I couldn't connect to the internet, so i was just getting annoyed. Turns out it was b/c I had tried to download the new Windows SP2 Update or something. So I uninstalled it and things were better, except that I still couldn't connect to the internet.

Luckily I was able to call Dell, get through right away and have a really good tech guy, and the problem was resolved in about an hour. Still gave me a scare though, but at least I got through it and am now able to do my work and won't lose a day for nothing (well as long as I don't waste more time blogging away, lol).

So yeah off to (school)work I go!


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