Friday, September 24, 2004

Lucky for me I don't like chocolate...

Like the majority of people reading this right now, I'm a nosy guy. When people are online and put up an away message, even if I haven't talked to them in forever, I will check their away message (admit it, so do u!).

Well the other day my sister was online and she put up an away message and well... I can't do it justice to explain, so here it is in all it's copy and pasted glory:

-When I bite into a York Peppermint Patty, I feel the cool rush of skiing in the Alps, or skating in Alaska, or bobsledding in Lake Placid! But, while I'm enjoying my York Peppermint Patty, the rush makes me oblivious to the chocolate melting in my hands. The chocolate gets on my keyboard, my mouse, my desk, and every other spot to which chocolate can stick. And when I go to throw away my York Peppermint Patty, I trip over a shoe because I'm too busy looking for a paper towel. I fall over and hit my head on the corner of my desk, cutting it deeply. The sight of my own blood causes me to regurgitate my York Peppermint Patty. Getting up and running to the phone to call 911, I slip on my own vomit, fall down again, and break my neck. And so, my warning to all little children: don't smoke pot before eating a York Peppermint Patty... :-D

I just had to share that...


In other news, the Yankees clinched a playoff berth last night. So basically no matter what happens for the rest of the season, they are getting into the playoffs. So that's very cool.

On the other side of the spectrum though, the Marlins just dropped 3 straight to the Phillies basically completely ending their hopes for making it to the postseason. You just gotta feel bad for those guys. I mean stupid Hurricane Ivan made them fall behind in games to the point where they had to play 3 double headers in the span of 11 days. They also have not had a day off in forever. They're just freakin tired at this point, and it sucks cuz if those delays hadn't have happened, they had a real legit shot at making the playoffs. Oh well, at this point I will just continue to root for them to finish over .500 (which would be a first for them in a non-World Series winning year).


Was playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic last night, and oh man they just pulled the swerve of all swerves in that game! I'm a big RPG guy, and I've seen a lot of major plot twists, but the one they pulled out in this game had my jaw on the floor.

Bravo, to the makers of this game. I have not been as surprised by a development in a game in a VERY long time. Anyone out there with an X-Box should get this game. You will not regret it.


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