Wednesday, October 20, 2004

This rollercoaster weekend puts the last one to shame

Oh man, this weekend has been filled with lots of ups and downs…

It dipped pretty far down on Friday. First off, I got a letter from the Fordham Grad School that said my appeal for admission was rejected.

That had me pretty freakin infuriated. There is no excuse for them to reject me. I did very well in the classes I took non-matriculated, which should be more than enough. But besides that, the stupid admissions office screwed up my application, so they should have worked harder to compensate for their mistakes.

What made it worse is that I was told by nearly everyone I talked to that “things went well” and for me to just “go to my classes so I don’t miss anything and things would be worked out with my registration;” and then I STILL get a rejection letter!!! I mean what the Hell is that about?!?

I had really high emotions all of Friday. Part of me was just super pissed off and wanted to fight back, the other just felt so defeated and didn’t want to bother with anything anymore. But in the end I made a decision…

It’s utter bullshit, and I’m not gonna stand for it.

I told my boss at Fordham about what happened and he said he’d do whatever he could to help. We have connections to a few deans and hell, if it becomes necessary we will even take this to Father McShane. But before that, I decided to e-mail my professor that has been helping me out to let her know what happened and see what she suggests before I take any drastic measures.

But let me say this… if she can’t help me, then all bets are off. They had the nice me and they stomped on him, they had the firm, stand-up-for-myself me and while it was effective to a point they knocked him down too… but now, they’re gonna get the pissed-off-and-not-gonna-take-it-anymore me. And I’m all ready to declare war on Fordham administration and rack up a bloody-high body count on my way through it.

Ohhhhh, my friends, let me tell you- things are just getting started…

Oh and let’s not forget… that was only ONE of the sucky things to happen on Friday!

I was torn b/c since my Monday class was cancelled this week b/c of the holiday and the week before we had off b/c my professor was sick that he scheduled an optional make up class for Friday night. But now with the mess with admissions, I didn’t know if I should bother going or not.

I wound up going b/c I figured it may help my case somehow if my professor sees me make an effort to a Fri night class when I didn’t have to.

So I went and luckily my professor was nice and had tons of food for us like Pizza, soda, cookies, fruits, etc. So that was cool. But thing is he also kept us there the full class time til 6pm (sucks).

After that I met up with Ariana (who was still at LC) and we took the Ram Van back to the campus (b/c that is where my car was). That wound up being a TERRIBLE mistake. Traffic was backed up for miles and it took over 90 minutes to get back to Fordham. So that was just truly annoying, but oh the bad night does not end there!

I wound up dropping Ariana off at home b/c she wanted to do some housecleaning b/c some of her family was stopping by on Saturday for her nephew’s 5th birthday party and I also had a stupid defensive driving course to take at 8:30 in the morning (no not b/c I need it, b/c it gives me 10% off my ludicrously high insurance), so we decided to call it an early night.

Well on my way back home from Ariana’s place, I get a call from Ariana who sounded very upset. Turns out her dad, who had been sick the past few days, had taken a turn for the worse and she needed to take him to the hospital.

Now with the crappy day I just had the hospital was the LAST place on the planet I wanted to spend the rest of my night, but I wasn’t about to let her go alone (even though she insisted I just stay home and rest b/c of my bad day). So I swung by my house to get some stuff for us to read in the waiting area and went back to get Ariana and her dad and take them to the hospital.

Now thankfully, due to some skilled semi-BSing, Ariana got the doctors to take her dad in pretty much right away. But we still had to stick around waiting to see what was gonna happen.

A few hours later we were told they were gonna keep her dad for observation til like Monday, so we headed back to Ariana’s place for the night. We wound up being in the hospital from around 9:50pm-1:30am, which technically isn’t that bad at all, considering. But still, it was a pain in the ass for both of us.

Saturday wound up being better. We found out that Ariana’s dad’s condition isn’t too serious, although he will have to change some of his eating and living habits. But thankfully he will be ok. They were still keeping him til Monday though.

Then later on, we went to her brother Carlos’ apartment to celebrate her nephew Matthew’s birthday. He just turned five and he is such a cute kid. Hanging out at their place and playing with Matthew for a few hours definitely brightened up my day and helped me forget some of yesterday’s events for awhile.

The good times continued when me and Ariana headed over to Town Hall to see the comedy show featuring Mitch Hedberg and Stephen Lynch. We wound up having AWESOME seats, in the very front row of the loge, dead center. And the show itself was absolutely hysterical. I came into the show really needing some laughs and they delivered in spades. I just had a great time.

We then headed to Gaetano’s b-day “after-party” over at Central Bar in the village. While there, God continued to show me that despite some crap the last few days, that he does care about me, as I walked into the bar and saw that the Yankees were destroying the Red Sox (in a game which they won 19-8).

The party itself was also pretty fun. I got some drinks in me to put myself in a nice happy state and the night ended on a good note.

Sunday was average until the nighttime as me and Ariana watched Game 4 of the ALCS. The stupid game had us up until 1:30 in the freakin morning and FOR NO GOOD REASON!!!

I was really pissed off too b/c if the Yanks could have scored just one more run and put away Boston in a sweep my AIM away message would have looked like this:

No, that’s not the amount of dicks sucked by the chick in Clerks. It’s the amount of runs the Yanks scored to sweep the Red Sox. Who’s your Daddy???

But nooooooo, the Yanks had to go and ruin my moment of wittiness and let things get interesting by having Boston win. Damn them all!

I wound up taking off Monday b/c I was too damn exhausted from the events of the weekend (and the late game did NOT help). So I rested up some and then actually went to class that night.

I got home just in time for the 9th inning of the Yanks-Red Sox game (before 9pm) but then the score got tied and it went into extra innings.

Monday Night Raw was on though and I didn’t wanna miss it, so we watched Wrestling while flipping to the game during commercials.

The game wound up ending right around the same time wrestling did (at 11pm) but mind you the game started around 5:15pm! Making that a nearly six hour game! Hell the NLCS game (which Houston won by the way, which I find cool, but I think that series will also go 7 games) started at 8:15pm almost ended before the ALCS did! That is just insane!

But yeah, once again the Yanks let me down (and as of the time I am writing this, they lost again, meaning we got ourselves another Game 7). I gotta admit, things are interesting and are just the way they should be. But yo… count me among the very nervous New Yorkers who will be biting their nails at every pitch in tonight’s game.

I will say this though… I’m rooting for the Yankees and believe they will pull out the win. But if they somehow don’t, it still won’t mean anything unless Boston wins the World Series. If Boston gets past the Yankees and gets beat (in however many games) by either the Astros or the Cardinals then it wouldn’t mean jack SQUAT if they beat the Yanks, cuz they’d still be losers.

But regardless, this all makes for some dramatic stuff… God I love October!

[The Yanks better win though, I’d really like to go to another parade, lol]


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