Friday, November 19, 2004

Check it out!

I got a new icon for AIM!

Well actually I stole it from my friend Greg when he pasted it in an e-mail but it's awesome and it's now mine.

It's a headbanging MegaMan (similar to the famous dancing MegaMan I had under my Slambomb s/n). IM me to check it out!


I was able to find the Team America Soundtrack last week at Bestbuy. I was happy about that b/c I had the theme song stuck in my head all week.

It's a fairly short soundtrack (b/c I don't count the five or so "score" tracks) but it's hysterical. The "Rent" rip-off "Everyone has AIDS" is so wrong but so catchy, the Team America theme is the best song on the album, with the slow meloncholy version at a close second. Oh and the "Montage" song gets me to crack up everytime also (and it's pretty catchy too).

Like I said in the last post, u need to listen to this soundtrack (or better yet, go see the movie), you'll be highly amused.


And while I was happy to find that item at Bestbuy last week, I went again this week on Tuesday to pick up some new released including Buffy Season 7, Elf, and the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD.

However, the ECW DVD was sold out everywhere! I went to the Bestbuy in Central Ave, and it was sold out, they told me there were some copies left at the Hartsdale one, so I went there (it's only a 5 min drive) and when I arrived it was already sold out. I asked them to check the Mount Vernon one for me and they did and they said there were 4 copies left. So I was driving over, but then I was afraid that what happened to me in that short 5 min drive to the last Bestbuy would happen again, so I called ahead and sure enough, it sold out there also. I was not a happy man. I took a super quick detour to Cross County to try the Circuit City there and they were sold out also.

I found out it was b/c each store grossly under-ordered the DVD (only about 10 per store), which is pretty stupid, b/c not only was it a popular product, but it was also advertised. If they advertise it, they sure as hell should have a decent stock of it. So that had me kinda pissed b/c that was the DVD I was looking forward to the most. Hopefully they will restock by the weekend so I can get it at the sale price, b/c if not I will be even more upset.


Keeping on the tangent of wrestling, my buddy Phil told me the other day he got a job interview scheduled with WWE to do website stuff. He also mentioned that Kiti's co-worker's cousin is married to Shane McMahon and thus he may have an "in" to the company. I'm glad for him and all (maybe we can mooch free stuff!!) but good lord if he gets a job with WWE I will be so ricockulously jealous, lol.


On a completely different topic, have you all seen the latest McDonald's Happy Meal toys? They're from "The Incredibles" movie and they are pretty freakin cool.

I saw them last week in the display case and immediately wanted one (though I resisted the urge that first time to buy any). But then Ariana got a happy meal on Sunday and got me the Violet figure and it's really freakin cool (it's got a light-up spinning force field feature which looks awesome). Now I haven't bought a happy meal since... God, I don't even remember when was the last time I got a Happy meal, but I'm sure it was more than 10 years ago. But these McDy's toys are the first ones in YEARS that I've seen and actually been tempted to want to get. So since then I've been running around to different McDonalds buying Happy Meals, and have gotten the Mr. Incredible and Frozone toys. Each figure has a pretty unique feature, and are near actual packaged toy quality (and size) too. So for $2.70 per Happy Meal, I think it's a pretty good deal. I hope I'm able to collect the whole family, wish me luck!


In closing, this weekend is my mom's wedding. There are mixed emotions all around (which I won't go into detail with now), but I'm hoping all goes well and that they are happy for the rest of their lives. I also hope they don't annoy me either. It's gonna continue to be an odd transition to have an extra person in the house. Hopefully we won't wind up killing each other. Although in the end, I think the thing that scares me most is the possibility of me hearing any *ahem* "nocturnal sounds." I can just picture myself huddled in my room with my pillow over my head now... ::shudders::

Pray for me. lol


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