Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Losing Streak


I've had no luck lately in picking winners. All my favorites are being defeated.

First was Orton beating Benoit for the World Title at Summerslam. That just annoyed me to no end.

Then the Red Sox went and "reverse-swept" the Yankees and went on to win the World Series (which was also totally not cool).

Now finally today, the day after Election day I just found out that Kerry conceded the election to Pres. Bush meaning we've got to deal with four more years of that asshole. I am NOT pleased.

It's like, the first two things were minor in the grand scheme of things, but the whole Presidential race was REALLY important and I can't believe Bush has gotten the support he has, especially after all the LIES he has been found guilty of and the terrible things he has done for this country as a whole.

It truly baffles my mind. I mean I guess I can understand some people's thinking. All like how they don't want change, especially in time of war and how they don't believe Kerry will do much better. But fact is, Kerry couldn't have done much worse!!! People just got too comfortable and it's sickening.

But anyways, I said I wouldn't talk about the election anymore, so I'm not gonna go off on this subject. I will just close in saying that while I got a small rude awakening as to how STUPID people can be when I was at the Green Day show, I am now realizing that people in general are idiots. My faith in the intelligence of people has SEVERELY dwindled and this election just solidified that notion.


The NBA started last night and now all the sports shows are talking about that and the NFL, which just makes me miss Baseball more and more. It's no secret that Baseball is my favorite sport and it sucks I gotta wait for April to see it again. I hate this time of year sporting-wise b/c there is never anything good happening... oh well.


I also just heard re-surfacing rumors that the Yankees may use Jorge Posada as trade bait this year in acquiring Randy Johnson. Now I think Johnson would be a GREAT addition to the Yankees, but I don't wanna sacrifice Posada to get him. Posada is a career Yankee and one of the main pieces of the "heart" of that team. It'd be a crime to trade him. Plus, who would replace him? Flaherty is ok, but he can't be the Yanks everyday catcher. Plus good pitchers need a good catcher. So let's say the Yanks bolster their pitching... that's great but they need a catcher to guide them (especially younger ones like Vasquez). So I'm not thrilled with that idea. Hopefully the Yanks can get themselves into some three or four way deals to shuffle some players around. That might be their best bet considering their farm system currently sucks.

Oh and as for the rumors of Nomar Garciaparra coming to the Yanks... big deal. The Yanks already have bats and a good infield. Sure Nomar might be good at second base, but their priority MUST be pitching. The only position player I wanna hear about right now is Carlos Beltran, anyone else can wait until they've gotten their hands on some solid starting pitching.


On to other news, and possibly another debate. I ran across this article about Weezer. Basically it argues that Weezer is the most important band of the last 10 years and I'm leaning towards agreeing with them. Now I'm not just saying this because I'm a huge Weezer fan, but b/c I believe it is true. These guys have really influenced tons of bands and their first two albums have been the anthem for millions of high school and college students around the world. Sure there are "better" bands out there, but few as influential (IMHO). Check out the points made in the article and let me know what you think.


To end on a happier note, the other week Comedy Central had the 27 best episodes of South Park Marathon. The number 2 voted episode was the "Good Times With Weapons" anime episode (yay!) and the number one episode was the Jennifer Lopez one which I had never seen before. And OMG, had I been missing out! Between those two episodes right there, I saw the funniest hour of television I have seen in a LONG time.

The songs throughout the episode (like "Taco-flavored Kisses") were stuck in my head for over a week... and I didn't mind. If you have not seen this episode (or the anime one) before, do yourself a favor and either get on kazaa or bittorrent or something and download it. I guarentee you will laugh your asses off.


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