Thursday, October 28, 2004

I'm scared to look outside... has the apocalypse occured yet?

Well the freakin Red Sox won the World Series, but in very ho-hum fashion.

No drama, no excitement, no heart attacks, nada. Maybe that's b/c the Cardinals didn't show up to play. I swear it was like watching Boston whup the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, not the "mighty 105 game winner" Cards. It just wasn't fun baseball. And I'm NOT saying that because the Red Sox won. I'm saying it because the games weren't exciting. I mean St. Louis' top 3 guys (Pujols, Rolen and Edwards) were TERRIBLE this series going like what 5-45?? I mean even if the Sox won anyways, even in five or six (or maybe 7?) it would have been more fun if the Cardinals gave some kind of fight. I like to watch good baseball, win, lose or draw. And this series didn't have much of it with the exception for some good pitching (all one sided though) and maybe two defensive plays but that was IT. I guess I just don't like sweeps very much. Not even when the Yankees did it in the 90's (except in 1998 b/c it just had to end that way after their monstrous season). But other than that they are just not very fun, no drama.

Another thing that got me. The Red Sox celebration was so "blah." I mean fine, they were in St. Louis and not Boston but STILL. They couldn't look a little more excited?? I mean not that I'm happy for them, b/c I can't stand the Red Sox, but geez I know that if cruel fate had put me on Boston's team I would be running around like a maniac celebrating. It's been 86 years people! Remember 1996 when the Yankees won? It had been what, "only" 16-17 years since their last title. They went absolutely insane. Granted they were in Yankee Stadium but still. If you want another example, look back at last year. The Marlins won the series away from their home, and they were going absolutely nuts. How long had it been for them? 6 years???

Point is, Boston sucks. They can't even celebrate right.

However, New Yorkers are not making things any better. Can we say sore losers for some people?

The Daily News big headline was "See you in 2090!" (Do the math...) Which is kinda amusing, but also a bit prickish (and easier for them to throw in our faces if they somehow continue their winning ways).

My vote for the new Yankee fan chant since "1918!" has been taken away from us is "26 to 1!"

It's sure as hell better than chanting "2090" (which would sound dumb) and it's still acknowledging Yankee dominance over the years, "curse" or not.

What do you all think?


One last thing on the topic of the Red Sox... Pedro's dominating performance in Game 3. That freakin scared me, b/c all New Yorkers just KNOW that Steinbrenner was drooling over seeing that and is SO gonna offer ricockulous amounts of money to Pedro to woo him over to the Yankees.

And that does not make me a happy man. I can't stand Pedro and neither can most of the Yankees (and their fans). He doesn't get along with management well, for the most part he crumbles after 100 pitches, he's a prima-donna, etc. People make comparison's to when the Yanks signed Roger Clemens. They were all like "We don't want him! Look what he tried to do to us while on the Red Sox!" But then we warmed up to him (well most people did, I know some who still hated him, lol). Thing is, I don't see the same happening for Pedro. Him and Clemens are two TOTALLY different people. Clemens was a team player, and while he could get out of hand sometimes, people respected his ability and toughness. Pedro on the other hand likes to show off and run his mouth, but then when he gets beat he says things like "I guess I just have to call the Yankees my daddies." New Yorkers wouldn't stand for one of their big pitchers saying crap like that!!!

But we all know Steinbrenner, and how he likes his "bigger than the game" stars (even though what he SHOULD do is build up their damn farm system, remember that? The place we got Pettitte, Jeter, etc from? It hasn't produced anyone in YEARS. They need to start there, rather than buying players out all over the place). But fact is, he IS gonna go after Pedro and the Yanks will continue to slowly decline. I mean hell, even if they get Pedro, Randy Johnson, Carlos Beltran and Carl Pavano (especially the latter two, who I really WOULD like to see in Pinstripes, as Beltran is just awesome and would be a great replacement for Bernie and Pavano was one of my fav players on the Marlins this year), Steinbrenner is just buying STARS and not HEART.

Don't get me wrong, the Yankees will continue to do well. They'll probably win 100 games the next few seasons, but it's not gonna have the same feel as the teams in 1996-2000 did. We don't have Boggs, O'Neill and Martinez anymore. And until we get some guys who will really mesh well as a TEAM, I don't know how likely a World Series Championship will be in the next few years. I will root for it of course, but I would really like to see this team get it's heart back. Maybe the loss to Boston will motivate them. Let's hope.


On to other topics. The other day I was on kazaa trying to find the Techno version of the Tetris theme music (I just had it in my head) and I somehow ran across something very interesting.

I found the Legend of Zelda theme, with lyrics, done by System of a Down. It is freakin awesome! I was lmao while listening to it. Any fan of the game should find it and download it. If you can't find it on Kazaa, then IM me and I will send it to you (it's pretty small).


Speaking of funny stuff, I was watching the new episode of South Park last night. It wound up being a satire on the whole Election race, where the students had to pick a new school mascot and the race wound up being between a "Giant Douche" and a "Turd Sandwich." Just feel those parallels! lol.

It wasn't the greatest episode in the world but the stuff they did about the election was fun. If you're able to catch the repeat either Saturday or Sunday night you should watch it.

One show I'm not sure whether watching again would be worth doing is "Drawn Together" the animated reality show that aired after South Park. Basically they use knock offs of famous comic and cartoon characters like Superman, Betty Boop, Spongebob, Pikachu, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Porky Pig (I think), Link and the black girl from Josie and the Pussycats (the name escapes me, I didn't really watch that cartoon).

The concept had potential to be hysterical, but the execution faltered. I think they tried too hard and didn't have a clear direction of where they wanted to go(like they didn't even say what kind of reality show it was, though you wind up figuring it's a rip of the Real World).

They did have a handful of fun one liner's like the "Link" character saying "You could cut the tension in the air with a +6 sword." Or just any of the racist comments that the "Belle" character made.

I might give the show one more chance, just b/c of the great amount of potential it has and hopefully it will deliver.


One thing that DID deliver though, was the Matt Stone and Trey Parker movie- Team America.

I went to go see it this weekend with Ariana and my sister. It was freakin HYSTERICAL. Our cheeks were hurting from laughing so hard. The sex scene has to be seen to be believed. Oh and the theme songs were just hilarious also.

The one joke that stood out among the others though was the one on Matt Damon. I won't ruin it here, but let's just say for the first time ever, I can't wait to go to a movie in the theater's staring Damon (and I just saw previews for Ocean's Twelve, yay!).


Decided to go "90's Alternative" for my car CD changer. I curently have Live-Throwing Copper, STP- Core, Pearl Jam- Ten, Nirvana- Nevermind, Smashing Pumpkins- Siamese Dream, and Green Day-Dookie in my player. So driving around should be quite fun for the next week or so, heh.


Don't know how much driving and stuff I'll be doing this weekend though. There are lots of plans being thrown at me (movies on Fri, haunted house or party on Sat, Parade on Sun) but I don't know if I'll be able to do ANY of them, b/c I have a paper due on Monday for class not to mention a group project to work on. It really sucks, but hey don't be surprised if you don't see us out this weekend (the fact we weren't able to find Halloween costumes this year also puts a small damper on things).

Hope the rest of you have a Happy (and safe) Halloween though. Party hard for us just in case we get stuck in!


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