Thursday, November 11, 2004


Had a pretty fun weekend. On Friday night, I went with Ariana and Stevo to see Yellowcard in concert at Roseland. Other than the fact they had way more opening acts than we expected (they had three instead of just the advertised one), the show was very kick ass. They played absolutely everything I wanted to hear so I was happy.

The show did make the three of us feel quite old though as we were some of the oldest people in the crowd that WEREN'T parents bringing their kids. But at least it made our view better since everyone was short 14-18 year olds and I was able to see over everyone's heads pretty easily, lol.


On Saturday I went with Ariana, my mom, her fiancee (his name is Pat), and my grandparents to go see the Incredibles over at New Roc.

Now I knew the movie would be good (b/c hell, what Pixar movie is bad?) but I thought the movie was just freakin AWESOME. It was like watching a comic book in action. It was just a lot of fun and really well made. I highly recomend the movie to everyone!

The only thing that slightly disappointed me about the movie (well technically not the movie itself but the outting) was that the trailer for Star Wars- Episode III was supposed to be attached to the movie. So we got there mad early (b/c me and Pat were really excited for it) and when the previews finished and we didn't see it, we were kind of upset (although luckily we were perked up by the movie itself).

I wound up asking the theater manager why we didn't get the Episode III trailer and he gave me some story about how each theater only got one copy of the trailer. So while it is technically attached to the Incredibles, the movie is playing on four screens at the theater and the preview is only on one of them. So that annoyed me, but whatever, the trailer was gonna be availble online on Monday. I just wish I had seen it in the theaters.

However, once Monday rolled around, me and Pat watched the trailer on my mom's PC and it was freakin COOL. I was pretty excited for the movie after watching it, b/c it looks pretty dark and looks like it will have a lot of action.

I mean I'm stay a little wary b/c the first two movies also had awesome trailers and the movies themselves weren't as good as the hype (although I honestly did enjoy Episode 2), but I'm hoping the darker tone of this movie will help make it stronger.

But anyways, if you haven't seen the trailer yet, you should go to the Star Wars website right now and check it out. Also, do yourself a favor and also take a look at the trailer to the Episode III video game, it adds a few dimensions to what you see in the movie trailer. The link to the video game trailer can be found on the same page as the movie trailer, in the bottom righthand corner. Let me know what you all think.


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