Wednesday, November 24, 2004

WWE had the right thought on the NFL and NBA

Gonna make this a fairly quick post, as it's my vacation and I intend to spend most of it either playing video games or hanging out.

I just HAD to mention one or two things really quick though.

First thing- I was watching Raw this past Monday, and the show opened up with the most hilarious skit I've seen in wrestling in a long time. Basically it was making fun of the Monday Night Football skit from last week with T.O. and the slut from Desperate Housewives (no I don't mean to be derogatory, her character is the "slut" of the show).

So the skit features Shelton Benjamin in the T.O. role and Trish Stratus in the Nicolette Sheriden (yes the slut has a name!) role, with an interuption by the one and only Vince McMahon.

I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my bed. And apparently the joke was a popular one as even the NY Daily News picked up on it. Check out their article on it from their website.

And for those of you with a fast enough connection, you can check out a clip of the video itself from the WWE website right here (scroll to the bottom of the article for the clip link).

The skit also takes a quick jab at the huge brawl from last Friday at the end of the Pistons-Pacers game.


And speaking of the huge brawl, I was lucky enough to have seen the whole thing live as it happened on ESPN on Friday night. The clips they showed were only a small part of everything that happened. That mess went on for like 10-15 minutes.

I must admit though, my first reaction to it all was to laugh and cheer. But the stupid announcers had to go bring it down for me by calling it a travesty and such. And looking back on it, it WAS pretty bad, but dammit, it was fun to watch while it lasted.

And to throw my two cents in, I feel kinda bad for Artest. Now hear me out before you start with the whole "He deserved everything he got AND more!"

First off, yes I am aware that Artest has a history of a bad temper and getting into fights on the court and stuff. But check this... first he gets shoved right in the face by Ben Wallace. He starts to flip but then think better about it and tries to be good and calm himself down. He lies on the score table and even ignores a towel being thrown at him. But then all of a sudden a cup full of beer comes flying out of the stands and hits him in the face, and he loses it and runs into the stands to attack the fan who he thought threw it.

Now people are all like "Well he's a professional, he gets paid millions of dollars and has a contract and he should know better and not have done that." But I ask you, if YOU were in that SAME position, would you really have done any different???

I myself am a pretty calm guy and can take a lot, but if I just went through what he did and it ended with someone throwing a cup full of beer in my face, EVEN I would be hardpressed to say I would not have ran up to beat the crap out of that fan.

Millions of dollars and a contract does not change the kind of person you are in that kind of a situation. The dude was ALREADY heated, has a history of a bad temper and was doing his best to avoid trouble and doing the good thing before that incident. He was pushed over a line, that you have to give credit to him for not crossing earlier considering the type of person he is.

Am I totally defending him? No. He let his emotions get the best of him and he did something stupid and he deserves to be punished; everyone involved HAD to be suspended and the NBA DID have to make an example out of Artest to show the other players (and future players) they wouldn't tolerate that kind of thing.

HOWEVER, I think they were a bit extreme. 73 games (which will also include the playoffs if the Pacers somehow manage to reach them) is a LOT. The most amount of games anyone has ever been suspended prior to this has been 30 games. So Artest should have been given like a 40 game suspension. That's half the season right there. I think a whole season is pretty harsh, b/c as much as the NBA analysts and announcers proclaim how horrible it was for him to do what he did, like I said before I DARE for them to say that about 90% of them (if not more) would have done things differently if they were in his shoes. Because if they did, they would be full of crap.

Oh and the fans involved in anyway were all punks. While I was watching them (especially the ones who were throwing beer, popcorn, and bottles on the players as they were exiting the court to the back) I wanted to be there to smack them all upside the heads. They should all be ashamed of themselves. I wish there was a way to ban them all from the arena.

And I can say more about this, but I already had arguments about it all with my co-workers and then later on with my uncle and grandfather so i'm ending my piece here.

Although I must say, I LOVE the clip of when that idiot fan gets onto the court and I forget it if was Artest of Jackson but one of them came running at the fan and slided on some water on the floor to punch that guys lights out. They keep showing it in slow-motion too! It looks like something out of Street Fighter 2, absolutely hysterical (and btw, that fan TOTALLY deserved that, you get onto the field of play and your ass belongs to the players).

Ok and that was my last stance on that and also prob my last post for a few days (unless I get bored on Friday and decide to update again). Later!


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