Thursday, January 27, 2005

Me am confused...

Ok, so this morning my TV alarm turns on to wake me up and I always have it set to ESPN2 for Cold Pizza. However, this morning the Australlain Open Tennis semi-finals were running long so that is what I woke up to.

Apparently the match is really close and has been going on for about 4 and a half hours or something and is hotly contested. I watch a few moments of the game and it is pretty crazy with lots and back and forth action. The crowd is into it, the announcers are into it, hell even I'm getting into it... with only one problem...

...I have NO idea what the hell is going on.

I don't know the rules of Tennis, never have. So I'm watching this match (between Federer, who I remember only b/c he was on SNL last year and he also looks like Stifler from American Pie) and some other dude. So Federer is behind and he's hitting it and winning some serves and losing some serves but then I'm looking at the score and nothing is changing. They had gone back and forth like 5 times and the score was still like 7 to 5 or something. I was just like "what the hell? How do you score a damn point?"

I was thinking it was like volleyball, where only the person serving can get a point, but if they miss then the other person serves. Well apparently it is not, lol.

So I'm watching, and like I said the action itself is good, but I was SOOO lost in terms of how this was being scored.

It just made me remember when I was young and I had Tennis for the Atari 2600 and I would try to play it and not understand how it worked at ALL. I'm gonna need to look up the rules or something (unless one of u kind folks would like to explain it to me), cuz I was sitting there with an even more confused look on my face than the ones the girls usually have at Joe's annual Superbowl parties.


Oh and I also can't end this blog without making a comment on how ABSOLUTELY FRIGID it is outside!!! And the wind makes it even worse!!!

I nearly froze my ass off this morning while walking from the Fordham parking lot to Hughes Hall. I have not felt so cold in a very long time. It was horrible. I had to shield my face b/c the wind was blowing fairly strong and right in my eyes (the rest of my face was covered). And it was so bad it made me tear up, and the tears were starting to freeze to my face!

I even felt the cold blow right through my gloves! It was insane. All I had going through my head was "It's frikkin freezing here, Mr. Bigglesworth!"

I pray it isn't that bad when I leave at the end of the day.


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