Friday, January 21, 2005

Oh, it's ON!!!

Dammit all! I know I promised not to go off on political issues anymore on this blog, BUT I also said I would be one pissed off dude if Bush's "plan" for education eliminated the program I worked for.

Well it happened.

We were just informed today through a letter from the President of the Council for Opportunity in Education which you can read here:

(click on the image to enlarge) Posted by Hello

Me and especially everyone else in my office is just freakin INFURIATED. We KNEW there were gonna be issues once Bush got re-elected but it happened faster than expected.

I hope anyone out there who voted for Bush sees what is going on, The sad thing is, this is all happening on the low, which is why I'm posting this here. Word of this needs to get out so people realize the mess the US education system is going through.

To put it in perspective- the Talent Search program I work for serves 850 students, and our Upward Bound program serves between 60-100 students. And that's just the program from Fordham! Imagine the THOUSANDS of students across the whole country who will now no longer have access to the services these programs provided after the 2006 school year.

Oh and did all of you know that Bush cut funding from the Pell Grants? By a few million too. So each student gets a lot less money (possibly up to $1000 less).

So what was all that Bush talked about "increasing" Pell grants during the debates? Utter B.S., just like I mentioned before. What he ACTUALLY did was increase the amount of students eligible for Pell but not the amount in the budget which means each student got less. And now with these cuts (hmm, didn't see that one coming did u?), students will get even LESS.

President for education my ASS!

So let's see, Bush and his administration eliminate programs like mine which tutor middle school children, provides counseling services and help high school students in getting into college, and the Upward Bound program which motivates disadvantaged students into going to college (and gives them a positive summer program to attend). Then he makes it almost unaffordable for thousands of students to go to college by cutting grants. Oh and that nice old "No Child Left Behind" program? More like "pass or you get kicked out of school." So yeah "technically" kids won't get left behind, b/c they will be forced to leave school if they can't pass within a certain time.

It just disgusts me. And then people have the nerve to defend this man! People don't realize what he is doing!

Bush and his administration are cutting the funding from all these programs so they can put more money into the war in Iraq! How sickening is that!?!?

And don't tell me he is not, b/c he SO is. Look, he's eliminating funds from all these education programs so kids have less of a chance to get into or afford college. So what is the alternative for them? To join the freakin army. So Bush kills 2 birds with one stone, how nice for them right?

Uggh, I can't even think or write straight right now b/c I am just so pissed off. People in America are insane for voting for him back into office. In my opinion right now there are two types of people who voted for Bush: 1) Scared chicken-shit people who were so afraid of the war that they didn't consider the real issues, and 2) idiots like those who carry NRA cards, redneck fools who want to show off their 'big balls' and blow up other countries, or are so into the "Christian" issues like anti-abortion or eliminating gay marriage that they also didn't look at the real issues.

And let's think about it. Bush won the south and all of middle America for the most part. But look at the lifestyles of those states. Most people there will finish high school (if even) and then go straight to working on farms or factories or whatever. They don't need or care about higher education out there b/c it's not a major part of their way of life (at least not in this day and age). But it's a VERY different story in other parts of the US, like in major cities. So is it fair that the people in middle America get to choose the fate of the entire country without taking into consideration how this affects the rest of the country?

No, it isn't. And that's b/c Americans tend to be selfish bastards. It's all about "me" and the here and now. People aren't thinking ahead to the future and how their decisions now will affect their children and future generations. So people think all like "ooh, let's cut some funding from education and other programs so we can have more money now." But then don't realize that this affects their kids, who won't be getting the best education, and thus might not be able to get into a good college (or any college at all) and will have to settle for mediocre jobs, instead of possibly becoming doctors, lawyers, psychologists, businessmen, etc. And if that happens, then they aren't making enough money, so they aren't buying enough stuff, and then the economy goes down, among other things.

It's all a viscious cycle... but it starts and ends with education. And people out there need to start realizing that.

And uggh, I'm just annoyed right now so I'm gonna cut myself off here. But read the letter, and tell people about this and then after Feb. 7th, call or write your local congressmen/women and let them know how you feel, it'd be much appreciated.


Blogger JE said...

Sorry, I didn't go into much more detail (b/c I was too annoyed) but i know about NY, Cali and Conn people voting for Bush, but like u said, it was OUTSIDE the 5 boroughs and major cities. Like upstate NY is the same as the South and mid west- All hicks and similar way of life. So my point is still supported.

10:05 PM  

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