Monday, January 31, 2005

La di da di... who likes to party?

Wow, that's probably the lamest post-title I've had yet! But hey, I'm just not feeling ultra creative right now, so deal.

-Had a pretty fun weekend. Saturday was Henry’s 25th birthday party over at Maryellen’s place. We wound up getting there a little later than planned (due to some circumstances beyond our control- like stupid people who don’t know how to drive…) but we were also the last ones to leave.

Lots of people were at the party, including Gaetano, John, Ashley, Joe, Athena, her b/f (who’s name I know but am not exactly sure how to spell, so I won’t botch it up here), Steph and Pat J. We all wound up playing Scene-It, and the 20th Anniversary Trivial Pursuit. I was teamed with Pat and Steph for both games (although I was almost put in the same team with Henry and Maryellen, but people complained that it was unfair as we would have been a power-house team, so we were forced to split up).

My team got wrecked in the Scene-It game, and we also weren’t doing so great in Trivial Pursuit at first, but about half-way through the game we made a really strong comeback, thanks to a handful of comic book related questions (see being a geek has it’s advantages). We even overtook the lead for a portion of the game, and came within just one question of winning the entire game. However, we wound up losing to Henry’s team (who also won Scene-It). So yeah, Happy freakin Birthday man! lol

A good portion of the rest of the night also went to everyone being in awe of and playing with Henry’s TiVo [wow, if you were of the Beavis & Butt-head mentallity, that could be taken in such a naughty way... *huh huh huh*]. Apparently, Henry was hawking it to everyone like a salesman before I arrived, so people just wanted to watch different things they had saved on it.

The crowd began to dwindle down as the night progressed until me and Ariana were the only guests left. We were about to leave when I asked Henry if Joe and Marisa were still coming to the party (as they had stated earlier they would). I had a feeling they would though and didn’t want them to show up after everyone left, so Henry called them and we found out they were already halfway to the house. So we stuck around for them to arrive and actually wound up hanging out and looking at pictures and stuff for another two hours. So yeah, I think a good time was had by all (my only regret was not being able to defend my title in “Name That Tune” but maybe next time).


Sunday was a fairly normal day, except that at night me and Ariana went to Phil’s place for the WWE Royal Rumble PPV.

The Royal Rumble is usually always one of the most fun PPVs of the year and this one was no different. Not one match flat out sucked (yeah Undertaker vs Heidenreich wasn’t great but it wasn’t horrible either) and the rest of the matches were actually pretty damn cool- including the rumble itself. I was also extremely happy when Triple H defeated Randy Orton FAIR AND SQUARE. I’m still grinning…

But yeah back to the Rumble- it was just so much fun this year. They did lots of things I didn’t expect but which were all quite fun. And they also really didn’t do anything to totally aggravate me either. So kudos to the WWE for a job well done. Let’s just hope that Wrestlemania 21 can be this cool (and things are already looking good. Can anyone say Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels)?


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