Thursday, February 10, 2005

Getting back on track

I meant to talk about a lot more things in my last post before I got a bit preachy. And at that point it didn't seem right to shift gears to another subject after what was said.

So here I am again! So let's see, where was I...?

Not much happened last week or weekend. Me and Ariana basically decided to chill in. On Friday after work I went to Hollywood video b/c we received our annual coupons (4 of them) of 3 movies for 99 cents each. So we decided to make use of them. I rented Napoleon Dynamite, 13 Going on 30, and Saved! (I also swung by Bestbuy on the way home and picked up the Rob Van Dam- One of a Kind DVD which is basically a best of set. I can't wait to watch that).

We watched Napoleon Dynamite on Friday night. It was... interesting. It's just a very bizarre movie, with even weirder characters. There were some funny moments though (especially at the end, but that might only be b/c it hit close to home for me) but the scenes between those moments reminded me of how I felt while watching that shitty movie- Ghost World (oh and don't any of you try to defend that movie, it totally SUCKED). But like I said, at least this movie had a few funny scenes and not just one like Ghost World (the nunchuck scene). So even though, this movie will never be one of my favorites, I can see how it would become a cult hit. But don't take my word for it, you might have a different sense of humor than me- I once again point to Ghost World- people somehow thought that was the most hilarious movie ever. So check it out for yourselves and make the call.

Saturday consisted of a lot more bumming around and watching of lots and lots of TiVo. Me and Ariana also watched 13 Going on 30 downstairs with my mom and Pat. It was a cute movie.

Sunday was "Super-Sunday." So after bumming around my house for the first part of the day, I picked up Ariana and we went to Joe and Patty's place for their annual Superbowl party.

It wound up being a small group- only me, Ariana, Henry and Maryellen went but it was still a lot of fun. We played some Texas Hold-em before the game started and had some good food too. As for the game itself, me and Henry went against almost everybody for the most part and rooted for the Eagles just for the hell of it. That made things even more interesting.

And as for the commercials this year- ehh. There were some good ones- the Bud Light one with the skydiver, the two for some broker company I think where the people in them get caught in compromising situations by accident, and of course all the commercials with monkeys. B/c dammit, monkeys are funny!

Other than that, it was fairly tame.

And sadly, I just realized I need to get over to the middle school now for their after school program so I gotta run. I'll finish this post later, so check back soon!


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