Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Inner Geek and a Trip Down Memory Lane

I'm doing this post completely from memory (meaning I'll probably leave out stuff I wanted to say). I had little notes which I e-mailed myself the night before, but I'm at work now, and I don't know if it's hotmail or my internet explorer's fault, but I can't freakin open any e-mails here today for some reason. I'll just chalk it up to Macs totally sucking.

-I mentioned my dislike of macs to Charles and this convo followed

SuperSaiyaJinDX (12:03:26 PM): but macs still suck
SuperSaiyaJinDX (12:03:37 PM): i don't use art and design program so they are useless to me
Chaz(12:04:04 PM): lol
Chaz (12:04:07 PM): All right, have your vendetta
SuperSaiyaJinDX (12:04:24 PM): they're almost as bad as Randy Orton!
SuperSaiyaJinDX (12:04:29 PM): they are the Orton of computers!
Chaz (12:04:40 PM): I made the mental link too!
Chaz (12:04:41 PM): lol
SuperSaiyaJinDX (12:04:43 PM): pretty but useless
SuperSaiyaJinDX (12:04:47 PM): lol

Ahh, I can never turn down a chance to bash Orton...


Bought a handful of things this week. On Wed I went to Bestbuy and got Angel Season 5 on DVD and also the new 3 Doors Down CD. The 3DD CD is pretty good. The first track actually sounds VERY much like Foo Fighters circa Colour and the Shape (and that's not a bad thing).

Then on Friday the inner geek in me came to the surface again for a few hours. I wound up meeting up with Greg and Jessii over at Bay Plaza. We hit Gamestop first and each of bought a movie (we put them all in together to take advantage of a buy 2 get 1 free deal). I wound up getting the movie 100 Girls, which most of you probably never heard of. I actually have not seen it, but have heard about it and it's supposed to be funny (in an American Pie sort of way) and I've been wanting to rent it for the longest but I couldn't find it at any Blockbusters or Hollywood Videos. It was only $7 bucks and after the deal it only came up to like $5 so I figured, why the hell not?

After that, we then headed to Toys R Us. And I should have known that was gonna be a mistake. Now I've stopped fully collecting figures like I used to (mostly b/c I have no more space for anything), but every once in awhile I'll go into a TRU and buy something cool. And well this was one of those days. First off, I saw a pretty cool Rey Mysterio figure that came with a mask. And not just any mask, the one that looks like the Spider-Man mask. And it wasn't a cheapy mask either, it was an actual full head mask. The geek in me completely took over just like "Buy it! you know you wanna try on that mask! It looks cool! BUY IT!"

And who am I to ignore my inner geek? So of course I did buy it, along with a Cartoon Network Star Wars- General Grievous Figure, and a Super Posable Movie version Spider-Man figure (with magnets on his feet) that was on sale for only $3.98. (Like I said, the geek was in control of me this day).

And the best part? I actually got the Rey figure and mask for FREE!

The cashier wound up screwing up, b/c as she was scanning the items I saw that the Spidey figure was scanned in at full price, so I was all like "Umm miss that is supposed to be on clearance." she she had the manager come over and check it out, and when she saw I was right had to delete stuff rescan them and I guess she forgot to rescan my the Rey figure. So when I saw the price I was a bit thrown off, but I didnt think anything of it at first until I got outside the store and checked my receipt and saw the mistake.

And that's when me, Greg and Jessii ran away, lol.

Umm, so yeah after that, we headed to Hollywood Video b/c I still had more of those coupons for 3 movies for 99 cents each and wanted to take advantage of them. So I wound up renting Saw, King Arthur and The Perfect Score (was gonna rent either Shark Tale or Mulan 2 for Ariana but both were rented out). Then I got the hell out of there and went home before I was tempted to purchase any more crap.

-Shortly after I got home, Ariana came over and I showed her my purchases. She laughed over the Rey Mysterio with the mask. I then opened it up and tried it on. She swore it wouldn't fit (and I didn't think it would either). And at first it didn't- it looked pretty freakin bad, but funny. So then Ariana tried it on, and it fit perfectly. It was pretty freakin funny, especially b/c she had these flame socks on and a cool flame pendant so I called her "Buena Girl" (points if u get the reference).

The geek in me got jealous that it fit her so well though, so I tried the mask on again and after some shifting I realized that it actually did fit! it was quite snug, but the sucker fit, so that was fun. We decided to take pics and record our geekdom, maybe I'll post them here in the future so you can all share a laugh.


Speaking of laughs, the next day me and Ariana did a little bit of shopping. I wound up getting some needed clothes (like new jeans and sneakers) but then also purchased two pretty funny shirts.

One of them said: Nintendo Rehabilitation Clinic- "The First Step is Admitting You Have a Problem"

As for the other? i won't spoil it here (not yet anyways). I plan to wear it on Saturday when I go with the gang to see Spamalot. Maybe after that I'll scan it in for you all to see. iI's pretty amusing.


Later that day we watched King Arthur. It was ok, nothing great (story-wise at least) but the action was pretty cool. We then played X-Men for a few hours and I think we are close to beating it.


On Sunday, we went to Phil's for the WWE PPV- No Way Out.

Before the show started Phil showed us a letter he had gotten in the mail he had told me briefly about. Basically it was a thank you card from HHH and Stephanie McMahon. Apparently Phil somehow found their wedding registry and sent them a gift so they were just thanking him for it.

The gift in question? A spatula.

But it was still cool, the letter was all like "Thank you very much for the gift, sorry for the lateness of this letter, we have been very busy, etc." And it also said "thank you for the spatula, many of Hunter's eggs have been made with it."

All in all, it was pretty amusing, and quite legit (I have HHH's autograph so I knew the signature on the letter was his). I think it was cool of them to actually send a thank you letter, props to them.

-The rest of the night continued to be amusing. Phil got a hold of some naughty catalog that looked like it was for lingere, but actually had all sorts of adult products in it (with full nudity), so of course it was passed around.

It wound up making it's way to Pete as he was in the middle of some math homework. So he took a small break to look at it and we all started commenting how it would be a good motivator and how he should look at it after solving each problem. But then we warned that he should be careful or he might start getting confused...

... and that's when Ariana chimed in with PERFECT timing "2+2= Titties!"

The whole room exploded in laughter. God, I love my gf.

- And STILL the fun and laughter did not stop, as after the PPV Phil informed us he found the old "Alan Springer" tape they recorded durng our freshman year at Fordham and popped it in for everyone to watch. The video was basically everyone doing a spoof on Jerry Springer with Alan playing Springer, Phil as the main guest who was cheating on his girlfriend (this girl Wendy) with Henry, who in the end ran off with Phil's sister. It was just insane (kinda like the show) with lots of fights and chairs being thrown and everything.

Sadly I wasn't in it, b/c it was LITERALLY like the one day I wasn't around (damn class!) but it was still freakin hysterical to watch.

We all looked so young and high schoolish still. It was truly a trip down memory lane, it was crazy to think that was like 6 and a half years ago. And like I said, still funny as all hell.


And well I think I've babbled enough for one post. I have a little bit more to say but I think I'll break it up a bit, so check back soon for another update.


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