Friday, March 18, 2005

In other news...

While I'm still a little upset over my bonehead move I mentioned in my last post, I need to get past that and continue with my normal blogging.

First, an update on the ticket appeal situation.

So yeah, I went back to the Traffic Court yesterday. I had to sit in front of a panel of 3 judges to argue my case. Thankfully, these guys were all pretty nice. They listened to my entire story and took copies of all the paperwork I brought in. Thing is, they don't give decisions on the spot. They informed me that they need to discuss everything in private and I would get their decision by mail in 10-14 days. So that was kind of annoying, but at this point I've done all I can. Now it's in God's hands, and hopefully I will at LEAST get back the $60 in late fees, b/c like I said, that was just TOTALLY not fair.


Not everything in my life is bad news though! Some cool stuff has happened also- nothing major but like I said, not bad, lol.

First off, I wound up getting tix for my first concert in MONTHS. Me and Ariana are gonna go see Velvet Revolver and Hoobastank in May at PNC, so that is cool. Also, just yesterday I picked up tix to see Alter Bridge at Irving Plaza for Mar. 29th. I'm pretty excited for that b/c Irving is a great small place for concerts and it's been quite a while since I've been there.

Oh and I dont recall if I mentioned it here already or not but even though it's not a concert, I wound up getting tix for me, Ariana, my grandfather and my mom's husband to go see the Mets vs Giants in June (now just gotta find some good deals on Yankees tix).


Me and Ariana beat X-Men Legends last weekend, which was pretty cool. In the end I think we ran through the game fairly quickly b/c we'd only play like once or twice a week (on the weekends), and all I did on my own was use the Danger Room to level up our guys- no story progression. So yeah, I think we made fairly good time. And in the end, it was a pretty fun game. It was the first full game Ariana and I have gone through together, so that was cool. I just hope we eventually see a more traditional RPG featuring the X-Men in the future.

Speaking of RPG's though, last week I finally started Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2- The Sith Lords (from now on to be referred to as KOTOR 2 b/c that is just way too long of a name to be typing all the time). It's pretty cool so far, but once again, I just can't wait to get my hands on a lightsaber- THEN the fun really begins.

And in more Star Wars news- I also finished reading another Star Wars novel- this time it was Timothy Zahn's sixth SW book- Survivor's Quest. It was his first stand-alone book for the Star Wars Universe (his previous books were a Trilogy and Duology respectively). In saying that, it wasn't his best work- still great and one of the better Star Wars novels out there but he is definitely better when he can build more things up and have more space to get into the character's heads. Hopefully there will be another multi-book run in his future.

But for now, I go back to Clone Wars novels (the Zahn one was a later novel- featuring Luke). Next one is Dark Rendevous which is supposed to feature Asajj Ventress as one of the main villians, so I'm looking forward to that (and then the following novel- Labyrinth of Evil which is the story that goes directly into Episode 3).


Over the past 2 weekends, i also caught a couple of movies. First, I went to see Constantine with my buddy David the previous Friday night (that was the weekend Ariana was stuck at events for her job).

I had never read the Hellblazer comics, so I didn't know how true or not the movie was to the book, but as a movie it wasn't bad. Nothing special, but there were some cool parts.

Then this past weekend, me, Ariana and my sister were planning to do one of our little "two for the price of one" features and see both Hitch and Be Cool, but when we got out of Hitch and tried to sneak into Be Cool, the theater was jam-packed and we couldn't find seats, and the next showing wasn't for another 50 minutes and we didn't feel like hanging around, so we just stuck with the one movie, and most likely this weekend we will try the "Double Feature" again and try to see Be Cool and Robots.

As for the movie we DID see- Hitch was fun. Once again, nothing spectacular, but it was a cute date movie. I'd give a recomendation for any couples out there to go see it.


Another movie I'd give recomendations to, is the Incredibles. I won't go on about it now b/c I know I already sang it's praises when it was originally in the theaters, but it is just that awesome. And it just came out on DVD this week, so you should all pick it up. Also, if you are a Reward Zone member at Bestbuy, if you buy the movie, you a free fairly huge Incredibles Lithograph (I believe it's like 11x16). It's pretty cool looking (if not a little overly big, so I don't have any place to really display it). Still happy to have gotten it though, for collector's sake.


And last but not least, I finally went to go get my taxes done this week after a little blunder last week when I attempted to go but when me and Ariana arrived I realized that my W-2 forms must have fallen out of my bag at home when I was emptying other stuff out (what was that about me being "smooth" again?), so I had to go again this week. Thankfully things turned out ok, so it helps relieve some of the pain of me having to pay that stupid ticket, now I just gotta hope I don't lose another $130 on top of it due to my whole WWE ticket fiasco, lol. Wish me luck on that one too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question about fordham's grad school of education would you recommend it?? i was admitted on a conditional basis they said i need to take a 3 credit foreign language course and a 3 credit english lit course? I'm confused..with their admissions process a little bit..THey said i was admitted but i had to take those to classes i just want to know what others think about fordham as well as adelphi university...i'm an out of state student hoping to attend in the fall or this summer it depends

-Prospective Grad Student-

4:18 PM  
Blogger JE said...

The Grad school is good. I was in the Counseling Service program and the professors in it were really good. But as for the administration of the school itself, it leaves something to be desired. I had problems with admissions also. I don't know about the whole foreign langauge and English lit requirements (I didn't have that for my program), so you should call back and ask what they are talking about. But yeah, once u are in the program itself, it is pretty good. Hope that helps.

6:58 PM  

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