Friday, March 18, 2005

I am so smooth...

... I can't believe the bonehead move i just pulled off.

Basically, last night Ariana told me about this commercial she saw for this WWE- Raw/Smackdown "Supershow" at MSG on Mon. April 18th. What it is, is it's the taping of both Smackdown AND Raw in the same night for the price of one (which is pretty freakin cool).

And so since it is in the week right after my birthday I was psyched to go.

Well the tix were supposed to go on sale tomorrow at noon, but I got an e-mail saying there was an internet pre-sale today. So I after some searching, I found the password to the pre-sale (b/c I know where to look), and got 2 great seats for the show for me and Ariana.

This is where the bonehead play comes in though.. I'm all excited for this thing here at my office, when i overhear the other people talking about this Annual Conference we have to go to in April and how the turnout for it isn't looking too good (only about 50 people so far). And THAT is when my heart started racing...


I was hoping against hope it wasn't during the week that I had a feeling it was going to be, but sadly it was. The damn conference is from Apr 17-20 out in Cape May, NJ interfering with the damn wrestling show.

I could have kicked myself in the ass... I am so freakin pissed off right now, cuz Ticketmaster does not do refunds, and I just spent like $127 on these 2 seats (like I said, they are very good seats). And my spot in the conference along with the down payment on the hotel room has already been reserved.

So now I gotta figure out what the hell to do. Do I now bring my own car and drive out to the conference myself instead of going in the van with everyone, so I can drive back and forth that Monday night (which I really don't wanna do b/c it's at least a 2 and a half hour drive), or take a train or bus (which I also don't wanna do b/c that would cost extra money), or do I try to somehow get out of this thing by throwing a few "white lies" at my boss all like "well my family just told me they were gonna surprise me for my birthday with expensive tickets to a show that Monday, and they can't return them, can I get out of this conference?" (which is what I'd like to happen, b/c even though my bosses want us to go this year b/c of the stuff happening with the Federal budget cutting our programs and stuff, it's obviously not gonna be very effective if we only have like 50+ people registered- meaning that there will be less than 100 i'm sure in the end). Plus, it's heavily rumored the guy in charge of our programs who reports to Bush will not show up b/c i mean why would he want to? He'd have to show up in front of a bunch of people to tell them they are gonna be out of a job soon... i wouldn't want to do that either. So if there is no gov't representation at this thing, what's the point? B/c last year's conference was an utter waste in my opinion. All we did was freeze our asses off in a sub-zero conference room listening to things that had nothing to do with us. The only upside was that it was in Puerto Rico.

My final option is ebay... but I dunno how successful that would be. B/c while it IS a great deal, and the seats are really good, WWE shows don't tend to sell out as much anymore, so I MIGHT have a hard time getting rid of them.

That is unless any of you would like to take them off my hands? or maybe someone u know? If so it would be a big help, so lemme know.

But yeah just had to share that, b/c I'm still annoyed at myself for not checking my palm-pilot first... oh I said I am "smooth."


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