Saturday, March 12, 2005

Wrestlers apparently have cruddy relationship problems

I had meant to put up this in the post last week but I forgot. It still is just as relevant if not more this week though. It's part of a convo I had with Charles.

Chaz (10:48:45 AM): oh man
Chaz (10:49:17 AM): Matt Hardy and Lita broke up-
Chaz (10:49:32 AM): and apparently, it's playing out on the internet, somewhat, which is too funny-
Chaz (10:50:13 AM): On Matt Hardy's website- his "Matt Fact" window says:

Matt (E)-Fact #5:

Matt hates being lied to and having his trust broken.
Chaz (10:50:25 AM): lolol
SuperSaiyaJinDX (10:50:34 AM): i heard they broke up but i don't know details
SuperSaiyaJinDX (10:50:36 AM): lolol
SuperSaiyaJinDX (10:50:38 AM): oh no
Chaz (10:52:45 AM): yeah, that's just funny
Chaz (10:54:01 AM): oh my god
Chaz (10:54:07 AM): then there are some MORONS on the message board
Chaz (10:54:17 AM): Hardyz4Life says:
Chaz (10:54:20 AM): This is so sad. Someone needs to tell Matt that Kane is just pretending? Right? I mean Lita's not REALLY married to him...I don't think. I just don't see why Matt would be upset. I thought they would be together for ever, and would get married (for real) and like be the first husband and wife tag team champions and stuff...
Chaz (10:54:35 AM): lmao
Chaz (10:59:04 AM): oh sweet lord
SuperSaiyaJinDX (11:08:41 AM): lolol
SuperSaiyaJinDX (11:08:45 AM): oh good lord
SuperSaiyaJinDX (11:09:10 AM): that is freakin funny
SuperSaiyaJinDX (11:09:25 AM): but see! this is the sad thing! the majority of people out there are MORONS!
SuperSaiyaJinDX (11:09:33 AM): the world is filled with idiots
Chaz (11:09:46 AM): seriously
Chaz (11:09:50 AM): Or scary lookin people-
SuperSaiyaJinDX (11:10:03 AM): we may not realize it as much cuz we've surrounded ourselves with fairly intelligent people but for the most part we are all in the minority

I post this mostly b/c the quote from the Hardy fan is freakin hysterical and also b/c the Matt Hardy/Lita situation got even uglier since this convo happened.

Apparently, Lita cheated on Matt Hardy with another wrestler. That wrestler was just revealed this week to be- Edge. This is makes it messier than the usual break-up b/c Edge is (well was now) very good friends with Matt Hardy, oh and Edge is also MARRIED- to Val Venis' sister.

Smell that drama!

So yeah, all of those guys are also on the same show- Raw, and have to work together (there were plans to have Matt Hardy come back to TV in an angle involved with Lita). But now it's just really messy and everyone is wondering what's gonna happen.

Another thing, which I know I shouldn't be making fun of, but well I just gotta mention it, is that Lita is a "face" (aka Good guy), and in her last feud she was facing the awesomely bitchy Trish Stratus. Trish made TONS of comments referring to Lita as a slut, but did it in such over the top ways that you knew it wasn't true and she was just doing her part and acting like a bitch.

The final remark Trish made to Lita though, was the night after Trish won the Women's title from Lita in a match where Lita seriously injured her leg. Trish made a comment to the effect of "Your leg injury might have you lying on your back for a few weeks, but we all know that's a position you're quite used to (wink wink). Cuz we all know, that despite your injury, your legs are still open for business."

And mind you, this was WEEKS before anyone had ANY inkling of the Lita/Edge thing.

So now it's just funny, b/c while Trish was trying to be all bitchy and evil, she wound up being right. Which in my mind makes Trish more awesome (what can I say, I tend to like the heels).


Oh and that's not the only wrestling relationship going to hell. I just watched this past week's episode of the Surreal Life (in which Chyna of former WWF fame, is a cast member). And during this episode her former fiance (and also former WWE Wrestler) X-Pac (who some of you may remember as 1-2-3 Kid or Syxx) showed up to try to "sweep her off her feet."

And man did things just get sooooo messy.

Now I USED to like X-Pac, back when he first joined Degeneration X. But as time passed, I grew to really dislike him as a character. And I think it was partially b/c he would act like a complete dick. But this was different than how say someone like Trish who I just mentioned before. She "acts" like a bitch, but you can tell it's her doing the part of the character. X-Pac just came across like he is a dick in real life.

And his appearance on this last episode of Surreal Life proved I was correct. He is just such TRASH! Telling Chyna "I love you" but then cursing every two seconds and making her feel like shit (btw, Chyna admitted on the show she had attempted suicide in the past, and it was b/c of this dude).

Now I may not like Chyna either (she has a very grating personality), but I just had to sympathize with her. It was just really messy and kinda creepy to watch.

And after seeing and hearing about things like this, it kinda makes me think about all the wrestlers who have died young, and what their lives must have been like, and it's just sad.

So I hope things turn out well for all people involved in these current situations.


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