Friday, June 03, 2005

Yay, Fordham??? :-(

Ok, so lately I've been posting about all the cool things happening in my life, yet I've neglected to mention some of the negative things. I mean it's nothing terrible but there have been a handful of sucky things that have happened (well let me correct that, basically one big thing that will probably have a trickle down effect). I've mentioned it to a handful of people b/c it's come up, but I guess I should update everyone on what's going on.

So basically what happened is that I was once again rejected from the Fordham Grad school. I got the letter back in April but I didn't say anything b/c I was just so busy and I just didn't want to deal with it or talk about it. Mostly b/c I try not to let things get me down. Yeah it sucks but I wasn't gonna let it ruin my good times. The other reason was that I was so pissed off when I received the letter that I knew if I had posted about it right then and there it would just be a very angry post and I probably would have gone on to say a few things I might later have regretted saying.

However, I will say that I officially dislike the majority of people over at the Fordham Grad school now b/c they are a bunch of idiots. After a few weeks I was given the excuse that this years batch of applicants was extremely competitive and that the minimum GPA and stuff was raised to the highest it's ever been. I still call BS on that explanation though. B/C after all I went through last semester there was NO reason why my admission to the program should not have been a "given." So screw them.

So even though I tried to not think about the situation at first, sometimes I can't help it when it slips back into my mind. The main reason not getting into the Grad school sucks is b/c now I will need to find a new job, b/c I can't afford to go to another school with my current salary. The main reason I got my current job was due to the fact that they gave tuition remission. So I would be able to work, and save money while going to school for free. Well now that I can't go to school, I gotta go somewhere else so I can eventually get into a program (preferably for this fall semester if possible). B/c while I absolutely love what I do now, to become a permanent fixture I need to have my Master's degree, so until then I'm kind of just spinning my wheels.

I mean, with the whole budget problem in the Federal Gov't I might have had to leave my job by Aug. 2006 ANYWAY (depending if they fund us or not) but this just forces my hand to have to leave much sooner. And it really sucks, b/c like I said, I love my job. The people are great and I really like knowing I'm making a difference in these kids' lives. And I hate the thought of me possibly having to leave, especially if this winds up being their last year, b/c it would leave the program in a bit of disarray as there would be no one to cover my two schools (thus the other counselors would have to shift schedules to try and cover my schools and that's just a mess). So while I know I have to think of me and my future first and that I know my boss and co-workers would be understanding it still sucks and I can't help feeling at least a tinge of guilt. Thus I try to just not think about it.

-But then sometimes little things happen (like one small incident this morning, which I will get into later) that just make all the venom I have towards parts of Fordham spring up.

It seems to me that the majority of people working at Fordham are a BUNCH OF FREAKIN MORONS that don't know their heads from their asses! I'm talking about from the administration to the faculty, even to the security and construction staff!

For instance, the small incident from this morning. Ok so as you all know I drive to Fordham. Well I have a parking pass to park in the Teacher's lot (A-Lot- the one right at the front of the campus). Well they have begun construction of the new parking garage over the H-lot so they fenced it off and by doing so also closed off one of the entrances to the A-lot, but what they did was make a new way in over the grass. Well usually I don't bother going that longer way anyways, as I usually go through the A-lot entrance at the VERY front of the school. But it's been closed for the last week. So I go to the new entrance but there is a big cement truck blocking the entrance entirely. So I start honking, and the guys get out and start telling me to go back and enter the other entrance. Well first off, there wound up being a line of like 3-4 cars directly behind me so I couldn't back up, and also the other entrance was freakin CLOSED!!!

So what wound up happening is that we all had to back out and security had to come over and open the other gate for us to get through. But see THIS is the problem with Fordham, as I've stated before, their right hand has no idea what their left hand is doing! B/c if there were intelligent people working at Fordham they would have known that the cement truck had to be there (b/c it turns out it was gonna pave over the new entrance, so DUH that no cars would be able to get through that way) so they should have been prepared to have the other entrance open for cars to get into. But see this is Fordham, and apparently it's run by morons.

-And you know, it sucks to badmouth Fordham b/c I really loved this place as an undergrad, but sometimes they just freakin deserve it. But I hate to do it b/c this was the place where my life began to change and all for the better. So I always defended Fordham from people who said bad things about it, even when some of you guys talked trash about it. But now, part of me has realized that I shouldn't be so naive.

B/c in the end, it wasn't Fordham itself that really changed my life and made me happy, it was the people I met at Fordham. That's what I will always be grateful for- all my friends that I made during my time at Fordham. B/c when I think about it, it wasn't the classes, or the professors or the place itself. Fordham was just the catalyst for me to earn my freedom and change into a better person but I don't think it was b/c of the education itself. I'm the one who made the change- Fordham was just the excuse.

And now, you know what, I don't need that excuse anymore. Other than the fact that I will really miss my current job (b/c it'll be very hard to find a better one), I can't wait to get out of this place.

These thoughts have just been building within me for a long time. It started with the issues with the grad school, but there were also smaller factors at play.

Like for my job, one of the things we do is take the high school students to visit different colleges all around the area. During these visits they get information sessions, tours and lunch on the campus. And in my two-plus years in the program I'd say we've visited probably around 14 different schools. And of those fourteen schools, I'd say ALMOST all of them were better than Fordham.

A list of some of the schools we've visited includes: Wesleyan, Manhattan, Pace (in Pleasantville), Long Island University, Marist, Manhattanville, Quinnipiac, Mount St Mary, Hofstra, Rutgers, Mount St. Vincent, Columbia, Yale and Princeton.

Granted some of those are Ivy League schools and should very well be better than Fordham, even some of the smaller schools were HEADS above Fordham in many ways. Like Mount St. Mary, I bet most of you have never even heard of that school (I myself had never heard of it before one of the other counselors decided to take his schools there). It's only about 80 minutes upstate but it is such a great school. Get this- we visited the Freshman dorms and first off- the rooms are HUGE, and every room has it's own bathroom- even the doubles, the whole dorm (as well as the whole campus) is wireless so you can access the internet on your laptop anywhere, then in the basement of the dorms they have their own laundry room- in which the washers and dryers are operated with the student ID card, each dorm also has it's own mini-gym complete with like 6-8 machines- in case you're too lazy to go to the actual gym (which of course is way better than Fordham's, as are the gyms for just about EVERY school we have been to), the dorms also have pool tables and a Movie projector room, where if u wanted to gather like 20 of your friends and watch a DVD on a huge projector screen you could. How awesome is that? And mind you those were the FRESHMAN dorms.

And while not all the schools had stuff that awesome, even some of the "little things" were cool, like how most schools had FREE parking (as opposed to the $300 we need to pay), the cafeteria's and food are way better, etc.

Seeing all these things sometimes makes me think "what if I had really researched schools back when I was in high school?" B/c I chose Fordham pretty much sight unseen. And like I said, I don't really regret my decision b/c of the great things that happened to me and the cool people I met, but sometimes I just wonder what it would have been like to go to a school that probably would have been better than Fordham. But ehh, that's just me being meloncholic I guess....

-But in the end, Fordham basically has forced my hand to leave. I'm upset b/c I wasn't ready to just yet (mostly b/c I wanted to get my Masters first) but hey, I believe all things happen for a reason. Maybe something even better will come along and it will pay for me to go to school and I can save up even more money. So wish me luck, and let the job hunt begin!


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