Friday, May 20, 2005

Twice as nice

So yesterday I'm chilling at home, not planning on doing anything but lounging around and watching TV. But then around 4pm, Gaetano calls me up and tells me that he has an extra ticket to go see Star Wars- Revenge of the Sith at 9:30pm at the Ziegfeld Theater downtown.

Now if it was at ANY other theater I probably would have passed... but this was opening night at the freakin Ziegfeld, so I couldn't pass it up.

So I wound up getting down there a little after 7pm and there was a huge line of people already. Luckily I was able to squeeze my way in to meet up with Gaetano and his work buddies. They didn't wind up letting us in til like 9pm, so I actually wound up waiting even longer to watch the movie a second time but it was alright, b/c we got to chat and see all the geeks around us.

But speaking of people around us. About 4 people ahead of us, we saw one of the people from VH-1's "Best Week Ever." I forget the guy's name (it's Paul something). But it's the white guy with the balding red hair that has a huge gap in his front teeth. Funny enough he was actually the one that on the last episode made fun of the movie by saying "I haven't been this excited to be so disappointed since my high school prom, thinking I was gonna lose my virginity."

We didn't bother going up to the guy b/c we didn't feel like bothering him (he was there with a few buddies) and also, none of us had a camera or anything, so what was the point? It was still cool to see that someone quasi-famous was going to the same movie we were.

As for the Ziegfeld itself, I don't recall ever going there before (maybe I did when I was young) but it wasn't as awesome as I was expecting. First off the theater is HUGE, which is kinda cool, but also kinda sucks b/c it's not stadium seating so in order to accomodate so many people it just strecthes back really far. We didn't realize this though as initially we were thinking of sitting in the back but when we walked in, we saw that the screen looked way too far away. So we wound up sitting in the middle (which worked out fine).

The one very cool thing about the theater though is it's shown on digital print and has digital sound. The sound was the big kicker, as it sounded ten times better than at New Roc, so I was happy about that.

In the end, it was just cool to have the experience at the main theater in NY with yet another group of rabid Star Wars fans.


Another VERY cool thing that happened yesterday though, is actually right before Gaetano called me to invite me to the movies, Henry IMed me to let me know that extra tickets were released for the ECW show at $100 (which was cheaper than the initial lower prices of $150). He was scoped ticketmaster and found that seats were still available, so we debated for a few minutes on whether we should go or not, but in the end our ECW fandom won out and we purchased 4 tix (for the 2 of us and our respective gfs).

So now I am very psyched b/c I'm going to ECW!!!! WHOO!!! I can't wait!


On another matter entirely, I wound up picking up the new System of a Down CD this week. It's pretty cool. I've only gotten through the entire CD like twice so far but I'm liking it quite a bit so far. I def recomend it (or at the very least, check out the single- B.Y.O.B. b/c it's pretty sweet).


My crazy 2 weeks finally come to end an this weekend as tonight I'm going with Ariana to see Velvet Revolver & Hoobastank @ PNC and then tomorrow morning we gotta go to Lincoln Center to pick up some furniture and stuff that a friend is giving to Ariana since they're graduating. After that, I plan to completely veg out for the rest of the weekend (with the exception of going to Phil's for the WWE PPV on Sunday, but that requires only minimal energy, lol). I can't wait.


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