Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I can have my life back!

Last week was Season finale week for pretty much all the good shows on TV. So no more 24, Desperate Housewives, and American Idol (yeah, I admit, I actually watched or should I say heavily fastforwarded thanks to my DVR... but yeah, I wanted Bo to win).

[About the other shows- 24 was cool, but some stuff seemed really rushed or just very anti-climatic. Granted I guess it's more realistic but when they shot down that nuclear missle like nothing I was kinda like "that's it?!?" Seeing Curtis punch the assassin chick right in the face was highly amusing though. As for Desperate Housewives, it left a lot hanging in the air, but it was decent.]

But since all my shows are now done (including Dragonball GT, which I just have to watch the 13 episodes I have still saved on my DVR and then I'm finished) now I will be able to do more with my day once I get home from work. Like I can actually read comics and play video games again! At least without feeling bad about doing so, knowing my DVR was filling up with stuff I would eventually need to watch.

So just like last summer, I declare the months of June-August- Video Game Catch Up time!

I'm currently in the middle (well more towards the beginning) of Star Wars- Knights of the Old Republic 2, then me and Ariana are playing through Lego Star Wars (but that should be done with quickly since it is sort of a kiddie game), and then I need to get to Suikoden 4.

And if I can get through those games, I'll do my best to get as far as I can in the Grand Theft Auto games (like maybe finally finishing GTA3, lol).

I will also be trying to get through some of the comics that have backlogged on me. I gotta get through the entire Teen Titans run (which is only about 24 issues but still), and I'm gonna try to make a dent in my X-Men comics. So yeah wish me luck on that.


Really quick- the WWE announced the full talent roster plus a few matches for the ECW- One Night Stand PPV that I'm going to on June 12th. They include:

Tommy Dreamer/Sandman vs. Bubba/D-Von Dudley
Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero
Rey Mysterio vs. Psychosis
Super Crazy vs. Tajiri vs. Little Guido
Lance Storm (w/ Dawn Marie) vs. Chris Jericho

And also confirmed as appearing on the card by WWE, but without official matches, yet: Rob Van Dam (w/ Bill Alfonso), Paul Heyman, Tazz, Sabu, Rhyno, the bWo (all three of 'em, so for at least one night, Simon Dean may stop sucking), Spike Dudley, Al Snow, Masato Tanaka, Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, Danny Doring, Roadkill, CW Anderson, Mikey Whipwreck, Kid Kash, Justin Credible, Joel Gertner, and the Sinister Minister.

The 5 already announced matches are gonna be awesome for reasons I shouldn't need to explain to any wrestling fan but the mix-and-match possibilities with the rest of the guys should be freakin cool as well. So while I was already pretty excited for the show, I am now super psyched.


And I actually need to run right now, but in my next post I will give my thoughts on the Star Wars movie (I'll assume most people have seen it by now). So check back for that.


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