Thursday, June 09, 2005

I had forgotten to mention...

I went ahead of myself the last post or two. I did do a few small things on the last weekend in May.

First off, on that Saturday I went with my family (Ariana, my mom, her husband and my uncle) to go see Star Wars- Episode III for the 3rd time, but this time it was on the IMAX screen over at New Roc. So that was pretty cool. That will be the last time I see it in the theaters though, but that's fine, b/c how am I gonna top seeing it in digital and then IMAX?

Then the next day we celebrated Memorial Day a little early. A group of us were supposed to hang out on Memorial Day itself, but with weather reports being all wacky, Patty & Joe just decided to hold a small gathering at their place. We had an "indoor BBQ" complete with burgers and hotdogs, Henry brought his special Rice Krispie Treats, and Joe got about half of us drunk (sadly I could not participate in that area since I was driving but I had a few sips of the concoctions he made, and they were pretty good).

Then we decided to play some Texas Hold Em Poker with a $5 buy in (there were six of us altogether). It was cool, b/c I did surprisingly well (last time we played I didn't do too great). Ariana lost her money and had to buy back in, but then she made a comeback and in the end both me and her wound up wiping out the table and claiming all the cash between us. I think we were about as shocked as anyone by that outcome but that was pretty cool. We just gotta be careful the next time we play there b/c we will so totally be the targets, heh.


As for this past weekend, it was pretty cool overall (except for the very beginning but that was minor). What I'm referring to is that on Friday night I was going with Ariana, my mom's husband and my Grandfather to Shea Stadium to see the Mets vs Giants. It took us about an hour and a half train ride to get there, we waited around an hour in the seats and then the game got called due to rain before it even began.

So that was pretty annoying b/c in the end we wasted nearly three hours in a round trip on a train out to Queens for nothing. Plus we weren't gonna be able to attend the the actual make up game, so now we are gonna have to exchange those tix for another game some point down the line. Oh well... at least maybe we'll get to go to a Marlins game or something instead. That would be cool.

-Things picked up the next day though, as it wound up being an absolute beautiful day outside. That made it a PERFECT day for a concert in the park- which is exactly what we did as we headed to the Central Park Summerstage to see The Killers.

I had never been to the Summerstage before, so i didn't know what to expect. In my mind I was picturing possible insanity along the lines of the Dave Matthews Band show on the Great Lawn the other year. Thankfully this was NOTHING like that. The area set up for the show was not very big, but not too small and cluttered either. We lucked out b/c there were actually bleachers in the back for people to sit (or stand) on if they didn't want to be right in the front with the rest of the General Admission audience. We decided to go there b/c first off, it wasn't very far back at all b/c the GA area was more wide than long. Plus since we sat in the bleachers, Ariana was able to see the entire show perfectly, which I was glad about, b/c I always feel so bad for her when we go to big GA shows since she is small and there always happens to be tall people right in front of us.

The show itself was also really good. It was short (about an hour) but that's b/c they only have one album. They played just about the entire album, plus about 3 extra songs (2 old and one brand new one), so I pretty much couldn't have asked for more from the show. Big Thumbs up on the show which was only enhanced by the great weather. Then after the show we took a stroll over to Broadway and grabbed some hot dogs over at Grey's Papaya. Now that is a great way to end a big outdoors day, heh.

-Oh I also forgot to mention that, that morning I was able to score tix to go see Coldplay at MSG on Sept 6th. It wasn't easy though. Ticketmaster was acting up big time that morning. First off, I was trying to get 6 tix, but sadly I found out there was only a 4 ticket limit. So I was on both my mom's computer and my laptop trying to score a combination of tix. But as I said, TM was not cooperating with me that morning. The site was SERIOUSLY lagging, which I guess was b/c there were like 5 Coldplay shows in the Metro Area alone that were onsale that morning, not to mention a few other big events. So yeah, it was a big pain. At least I was about to get tix, but sadly it was only 4 and I wasn't able to get them all together. I landed two pairs, but they are only one section apart so I guess that's not too bad. But hey, it's better than nothing b/c I would like to see them again, and Ariana never has, so she really wanted to go. So I'm glad it worked out one way or another.

-The weekend fun continued on Sunday morning when me and Ariana met up with Pat Butler at Ariana's church. We went with him and Ariana's godmother- Rosie- to the diner nearby and then to Rosie's place to chill. I hadn't seen the guy in over a year so it was good to catch up.

-Then after that, me and Ariana headed to my grandparents where they wound up making my favorite dinner (Chicken Cutlets with Rice-a-roni, yum...).

-and the night was not yet done as following that me and Ariana headed out to City Island for my buddy Matt's Law School Graduation party. Now I wasn't planning on eating as I just had two decent sized meals earlier in the day and I AM trying to maintain a diet, but the food there was just TOO tempting and delicious- especially the Pene Vodka... ::drools::

So as a whole, the party was really fun. I got to catch up with a few people I hadn't seen in awhile, so it was good times.

-Then when I finally got home for the night I was greeted with two big surprises (well kinda). First off, my sister returned from visiting her boyfriend out in Pittsburgh that weekend, and brought back for me a copy of Star Wars- Revenge of the Sith on DVD. This wasn't just any bootleg copy though. This was like an official reel of the movie- the quality is EXCELLENT, with the exception of a slightly annoying constant blur about 2/8ths from the top of the screen. [Turns out the blurring is of the serial numbers of the reel or something, which was done to protect the identity of the person who leaked this official copy]. The copy even worked on my PS2, which was a bit of a surprise, so that was very cool.

But I did say there were two surprises. The other I knew was just a matter of time and when I heard my mom scream (happily) and call the family over to Jenny's room it didn't take a rocket scientist to realize why we were called in. Turns out that on Saturday night my sister's boyfriend (his name is Robbie) asked her to marry him and she accepted, so they are now officially engaged.

I kinda think it's a little fast, but they said they aren't gonna rush things with the wedding (it'll probably be a year or more away) so that is good. But in the end, I'm very happy for Jenny b/c everyone in the family actually likes this guy. He's an extreme improvement over pretty much all of her previous boyfriends. He's kinda nerdy (the two of them actually met through some video game website b/c he's one of those guys who writes those huge strategy guides for RPGs and stuff) but he's very nice and treats her right. Plus the dude gave me a copy of freakin Star Wars on DVD (way to buy your way into the family man! lol). So Congratulations to her.

-I did just have to laugh over one thing though. All my life my mom and sister would tell me that I'm a pretty impatient person. And I guess to some degree I am (at least for certain things). But then both of them go and meet a guy and just months later get engaged. Who's the impatient one now?? I hold no ill will though. It's a little surprising to me that despite the fact I'm the one in the family with the longest lasting relationship I'll probably be the last one to get married but that's ok, b/c I plan to make everything special and do what I need to when the time is right. Plus I'm saving money b/c when I move out it's gonna be to a house, not an apartment. So even though it might take me longer, I'm gonna be sure that we are in a great position. The quickest doesn't always win the race. But yeah, I just found that amusing.


Picked up 2 new CD's yesterday- Coldplay- X&Y and Black Eyed Peas- Monkey Business. I just got through listening to the Coldplay CD (and actually heard a good chunk of it last night on MTV2 where they had an hour long live concert of them playing most of the new album). And am about halfway through the BEP CD. It'll take a few more listens before I can give an official opinion, but I'm liking them so far.


Baseball stuff-

I haven't talked about baseball in a few posts b/c well... there isn't too much for me to talk about b/c my two teams aren't doing all too great, especially this past week. However, last night was a step in the right direction for both teams. The Yankees finally put a spanking on a team they SHOULD beat by crushing the Brewers 12-3. The game also included a history making event when A-Rod hit his 400th career homer- making him the youngest player to ever reach that plateau. So that was cool, but I just hope they can keep it up over the weekend b/c they are about to face the tough St. Louis Cardinals. The Marlins also did well last night by salvaging their series against Seattle with a win. It was also the 10th win for Dontrelle Willis, making him the first Major League pitcher to 10 wins this year. Once again, I hope the winning keeps up for the Marlins b/c right now they are in last place in the NL Beast (although they ARE above .500 and only two and a half games back).

The NL (B)east is just insane this year. Right now Washington of all teams is in first and all the teams in the division are over .500. It's gonna be a TIGHT race for first this year, which I find very exciting. I hope it stays like this for the rest of the year, but that is doubtful... at least one or two of those teams has got to slip sooner or later. I just hope it's not the Marlins... although right now I'll just flat out say I hope that ANY team in that division wins it other than the freakin Atlanta Braves.

But yeah, that's all I got on the baseball front for now. Talk to me again next week if both my teams are still over .500, lol.


I had a few links to some funny videos and stuff I was gonna share, but I'm at work on the Mac and we all know how those suck. So I'll have to post them later on. So check back later, maybe I'll have them up this afternoon.


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