Thursday, July 07, 2005

What the record books will fail to record

Last night was a crazy night for Marlins baseball. But at least it ended up in a good way.

The Brewers hit up the Marlins (specifically A.J. Burnett) for 4 runs in the first 3 innings (with 3 in the the first). But then after an RBI single with 2 outs in the 3rd inning, Burnett and 4 other Marlins relievers shut the Brewers down COMPLETELY by retiring 28 straight batters in a twelve inning game (which the Marlins won 5-4). To those of you out there who may not know baseball well, or are bad at math, that basically means they combined to make one out MORE than a "perfect game." Which is just absolutely ridiculous. Burnett himself got 14 strikeouts (but sadly had to leave in the 6th inning b/c he threw like 125 pitches) but the Marlins in total made a franchise record of striking out 22 total batters.

So yeah, the record books will not say anything about "the perfect game within a game", but it's definitely something that should be mentioned.


Another thing to be mentioned- the Yankees seem to be on a mini-roll. But they play the Cleveland Indians for 4 games this weekend, and those guys are on a roll as well. So here's hoping the Yanks can at LEAST take 2-3 games from them.


Oh and on a non-baseball related note- last night when I got home I checked my e-mail and there was one from Phil about WWE releasing a bunch of wrestlers. Now I had read a short list of guys they released the night before, but this was a MUCH bigger list, and when I saw some specific names in Phil's e-mail my first reaction was "NO WAY! This has GOT to be wrong!" So I zoomed over to and lo and behold they actually did release about 17 people (a mix of wreslters, announcers and divas) but still there were some names in there that shocked me- including all 3 of the Dudley Boyz, Charlie Haas, Akio, and Matt Morgan.

Granted, the Dudleyz have been off TV for sometime, recuperating from injuries and stuff and guys like Haas, Akio and Morgan weren't being used to their full potential, but that's the thing! They all had POTENTIAL. They were cool but were being WAY under-utilized. And it just sucks that they let guys like that go while they still keep fools like Heidenreich, Snitzky, Orlando Jordan and useless divas like "Boobsie McTitsalot"(not her real name, just a funny nickname used by a few wrestling website people that I also like to use) around. It makes no sense. I swear, I wish I could be a writer for the wrestling shows, I'd turn it around big time.

Or hell, someone should make a federation of just all the guys that have been released. Most of those guys combined with some big names that are currently unemployed could be a promotion in itself. Give me a freakin good budget and let me run that, i'd have it competing with WWE in no time.

But that will never happen (cuz wrestling promotions only hire bad sitcom writer monkeys nowadays), but I can dream, heh.


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