Friday, July 01, 2005

"You Can't See Me"

I just ran across this article in the Daily News website (sadly I'm on my sucky Mac at work so you'll have to copy and paste the link):

It's pretty amusing, but kind of messed up too. Basically a Queens High School teacher was forced to resign after the school board found out that the teacher was taking sick days to compete as a pro wrestler, both overseas in Japan and even in nearby Philadelphia for the WWE.

It was only four days total (on seperate occasions) but now the Special Schools Investigator said he wants the teacher to pay back all the money he got while he was supposedly out sick. Which is just freakin ridiculous. The teacher HAD the sick days to use. What he does with his private life after calling out sick is his OWN business. Not that of the schools.

The teacher even had this to say: "Given the fact that there are teachers out there that molest students and beat students, I fail to see how four days is something that they were going to so aggressively pursue."

Damn skippy.


While I'm on the subject of wrestling though, I should share that last week I joined Charles and a few mutual buddies in participating in the WWE Fantasy League.

Basically, it's just like fantasy baseball, but with pro-wrestling. You get a certain budget and every week you buy a roster or wrestlers who you gain points for depending on what they do during the shows. It makes watching wrestling even more fun, b/c now I find myself cheering for guys I would normally despise, just so I can earn Fantasy points (although I will still hate Randy Orton with a passion).

The league lasts for 14 weeks. I joined during the second week so I'm a week behind half of the people playing, and what makes it worse is I made some not so great roster picks my first week (specifically, I did not read all the rules before picking a roster and b/c of that I did not pick Batista or HHH, while everyone else did, which was dumb considering they were Main Eventing a PPV in a Hell in the Cell match). So I got absolutely DECIMATED last week, and am in WAAAAAY last place.

I picked a better roster this week though, so I have been looking very forward to all the wrestling shows this week. Last night was a pretty big Smackdown and I just checked this week's scores and I'm in first place by a good margin for the week (although still way behind in the overall scores). But this is just the beginning of me chipping away. I would be very proud of myself if I was able to get to 3rd place by the end of this whole thing. So we'll see what happens.


And in final wrestling news- last night was the final night of the Lottery Draft, and also the deadline for trades between the two shows. Well I just checked for the finalized trades, and they basically make NO SENSE. They traded almost none of the people I expected them to, and in the end I don't think the Rosters are very balanced.

Raw seems to have taken all the HUGE stars (they still have Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and got Kurt Angle and others), while the Smackdown roster wrestlers who are more about "potential" at the moment than pure star power. This even includes guys like Christian and Batista. I like them a lot, but WWE has not proven yet that they can handle them like they deserve to be.

I'm hoping that due to these big changes, it forces WWE's hand to use some of these guys to their fullest potential. But the writer-monkeys that WWE seems to have on their payroll don't exactly inspire confidence in me that will happen. But hey, at least they made some pretty major shake ups, so the storylines should be fresh. So I'm looking forward to that.


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