Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Bombs Away!

Ok, did anyone else see that Yankee game last night???

I actually almost missed all of it. I had a lot of stuff to catch up with on my DVR so I was watching that but I had the game on my laptop using MLB Gameday (which is a play by play thing available on the MLB website).

But the Devil Rays jumped out to an early 5-1 lead. Then it was 7-2, then 10-2. At that point, I was actually chating with Sheila online and bitching about the Yanks inconsistancy. I then decided to change the Gameday over to the Marlins-Braves game. However, they have the scores for the other games on the top of the screen.

So I kept watching TV, but kept making a few glances over to the laptop to keep tabs on the games. Florida wound up getting their asses beaten but i noticed that the Yanks had slowly began closing the gap, first at 10-5, then 10-7. But then Tampa tacked on another run and I saw it as 11-7 and at that point my attention drifted mainly to just the TV for awhile.

Well after some time I glance back over and i see that the game is now 11-9, I look away again for a few moments (b/c my show wasn't in commercial yet) and before I know it, the score was 15-11. I was like "Holy crap!"

I wanted to flip to the game, but I'm anal about pausing a show to switch to something else mid-show (unless it's a commercial), so I waited til the commercials came, but during that time I noticed the score jump to 18-11.

I was finally able to flip over to the YES Network to see Matsui hit that liner homerun to the black seats to make the score 20-11. It was just insane!

I scrambled back to the Gameday thing on my computer and just read through all the hits and homeruns to see exactly how everything happened. It was just amazing.

The bottom of the 8th inning wound up lasting 35 mins 20 seconds and in that time the Yanks had 16 men up to bat, and got 12 hits for 13 runs. They also tied a team record for 4 homeruns in one inning.

Like I said, it was just amazing. I called Ariana immediately and started telling her the great news. She missed everything, so I just read everything to her off Gameday. I then decided to record the replay of the game so I could actually SEE everything, and so could she. I was gonna wait to watch it on the weekend when she came over, but I couldn't wait and watched most of it this morning. But I'll gladly go through it again with her, b/c it was just too cool.

So yeah, it kinda sucked that Randy Johnson had a terrible outting getting tacked for 7 runs in only three innings and getting pulled out early, but man, did the Yankees put on a hell of a show in the 8th. I just wonder how many people who were at the game are kicking themselves if they left early thinking the Yankees didn't have a chance. Must suck to be them.

But now, i'm pretty psyched for the Yanks. Hopefully their bats will stay this hot and I also hope that their pitching lives up to what it should be and becomes more consistant. If that happens, then hey we will have one hell of a race in the AL East. And major competition like that is just good for baseball.


In other "bombshell" news, yesterday I corresponded with Rachael by e-mail (it had been over a month since we last talked) and she gave me the awesome news that she heard that the Smashing Pumpkins are getting back together!!!

I was skeptical at first, b/c I had actually JUST read in a magazine this weekend how Billy Corgan had been badmouthing some of his ex-bandmates, especially D'Arcy and James Iha, in radio and on his website. So I had actually gotten kinda upset and was thinking "Oh well, there goes my hopes of a Pumpkins reunion, and finally getting to see them in concert."

But Rachael told me that Corgan released a statement along with the release of his new solo album yesterday, saying that he wanted to get the Pumpkins back together.

So it isn't "official" yet, so I'm gonna try not to get my hopes up TOO high. But if it actually does happen, you will see my grinning from ear to ear for quite some time, especially if i FINALLY get to see them live in concert.

::crosses fingers::


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