Thursday, July 21, 2005

Harry Potter (and More)

As many of you know, this past Friday night was the midnight release of the new Harry Potter book. Well me and Ariana had pre-ordered the book at the Barnes & Noble in Bay Plaza a few months ago and since we didn't have anything planned for Friday night, and also b/c Bay Plaza is so close to me, we decided to hit up the midnight release party.

We actually got there after 11pm, so there wasn't much going on festivities-wise, but the place was jam-packed with people. I got my wristband and I was #266, so I knew we had a bit of waiting to do. So me and Ariana basically just wandered around the store looking at stuff. I settled myself near all the manga graphic novels and just read some of those along with doing some people-watching.

It was kind of amusing b/c well Bay Plaza is sort of in the ghetto. But there were families of all types there. But there were a few people throughout the store ranging from older teenagers to guys in their mid-twenties and it was funny b/c some of them were still trying to act all thug and street like. I mean not in an overly annoying way, but just trying to put up a front like they were all tough guys and that they were better than the other people in the store or something (just to their friends, but still I saw and overheard a few things throughout the store). And I just had to laugh. I felt like just going up to some of these people and calling them out on their BS. It's all like "Dude, you are in Barnes & Noble for the midnight release of Harry Freakin Potter. You can't try and come in here and act all hard. You're a geek like the rest of us Deal with it."

Like I said, I just found it amusing.


As for the book itself, it's pretty good so far, but I'm not very far into it b/c I just started it on Monday since I had a busy weekend.

-Like before I even got the book, me and Ariana met with Myra again and she gave us our new financial budget. It's looking pretty good, but it's gonna be rough at first cuz I gotta save a little bit more a month than I have been, so I gotta get used to not going over that amount. It's not gonna be impossible, far from it, but I won't be able to go too nuts with concerts and DVDs and stuff anymore.

-After the meeting with Myra, we decided to go bowling cuz we've been wanting to for awhile and we also have a long running competition between us as to who has won more games. At the time I was only one game ahead overall, b/c the last time she kicked my ass in two straight games. However, this time I took my revenge and won both of the games we played (even scoring a 129 in the second game, which is up there with one of my highest scores, so that was cool).

-The next night I went with Ariana, Ashley, and Maryellen to go see The Wedding Crashers. I found it kind of funny (ironic?) that I wound up going to see that particular movie with my girlfriend and 2 single girls rather than a group of dudes, but hey, it's all good. The movie was freakin HYSTERICAL. I was laughing non-stop throughout the whole movie. There were some scenes that nearly had me falling out of my seat. There were also a few classic lines throughout the movie. I would put this movie right up with the likes of Road Trip, Old School and Dodgeball- all flicks that would be like "dorm-room essentials." So yeah, go see it.


Been putting a good amount of hours into KOTOR2 this week. It had been over a month since I last played but I've caught up decently with my DVR stuff so I had some time to commit to the game. It's cool b/c I've already turned like more than half of my crew into Jedi, so I'm psyched about that. Now just gotta get me some more lightsabers and then the fun really begins!


Baseball stuff- the Yankees took first place of their division!!!

For a day...

They're now back to about a 1/2 game behind Boston, BUT they have won like 12 out of their last 15, and have won the series against both Boston and Texas on the road. They have a tough 4 game series against Anaheim coming up but if they continue playing like they have, they should be fine.

Giambi is FINALLY starting to play like he should within the last month. Which I am glad about b/c that dude seriously needed to start earning his ridiculous paycheck.

Wang is out injured, which SUCKS for NY b/c somehow he became the Yanks most consistant pitcher. But the Yanks did pick up Al Leiter from the Marlins on Sunday and he pitched a good game against Boston. I'm just praying that wasn't just a one time performance though. The Yankees' run depends on it.

As for the Marlins, they're not doing so great. They are SERIOUSLY underachieving this year. They are only at .500 when they should be doing a lot better considering the pieces they have. I mean they aren't completely out of it yet, not by any means, since the race in the NL East is so close, but they need to make a run, and they need to do it ASAP.

I just worry though, b/c they are thinking of trading A.J Burnett, who granted is more potential at the moment than how he is actually performing. But sometimes he shows sparks of being an incredible pitcher. Thing is with the loss of Leiter and then Burnett, their pitching rotation will suffer deeply and I don't think they will get enough back to make it worth it (for this year at least). I hope I'm wrong on that front though, b/c there is a lot of talent on that team and I'd like to see them make it to the playoffs again.

But anyways, it's lunch time so I'm gonna get me some exercise and take a walk around the campus. But I'll be back with another update later in the day b/c I got something i wanna link you all to but I don't wanna do it at work on my mac. So catch u later!


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