Thursday, July 21, 2005

Grand Theft Uh-oh...

I don't know if you've all heard but apparently the latest "big" news story is the fact that a hidden sex mini-game was discovered in the video game- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. This obviously has conservatives and idiots all across America in an uproar. It's gotten to the point where many big chains such as Wal-Mart and Target have completely removed the game from the shelves, while other stores are now forced to put a "AO" (Adults Only- the equivalent of an NC-17) rating on the game.

But here's the thing, you can't access this mini-game by normal means. The game has to be sort of hacked to get to it. I say sort of, b/c unlike how Rockstar games claimed at first that it was hacker's who made a patch, this mini-game IS in the source code of the game. But, in order to access it on the PS2 you need a Gameshark or some other kind of cheatbox.

So here's my gripe. First off, the game was ALREADY rated "Mature" so kids shouldn't have been able to get their hands on this game anyways. If any parent was irresponsible enough to buy this game for their 13 year old child, they have NO right to bitch. But regardless of that, like I said, you need a gameshark or some other kind of "hacker-type" add-on to access these scenes. And there are just not THAT many people out there with those kinds of add-ons, so this is only affecting a very small portion of the people who have the game.

So yeah, it's just a stupid "news" item, that is garnering a lot more attention than it should be receiving given all the other problems in the world right now.

But if anyone is curious just how graphic this sex mini-game is, I'll paste a link with a few pics below.

But BEWARE, this stuff is not work-safe!! GTA "Hot Coffee" pics.


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