Thursday, August 18, 2005

OOOH!! I Wanna play!!

In a story of "fake" violence, the Daily News was also reporting on a game most of us have probably at least heard of before- Assassins.

Basically, how the game plays is that you get a large group of people (the game reported in the news had 120 people), everyone gives all their contact info- Name, Phone #, address and a picture of themselves to what is sort of a 3rd party. This 3rd party will then contact each player individually and give them the info of another player and that person must "assassinate" that player within a week of getting the info.

Now the way to assassinate somone is either to shoot them with a water pistol, Super-Soaker or even Water Balloons. And basically the only rule of the game is that you can't attack a person on the block where they work.

So basically every person player is an assassin but also a target. And people can go to many crazy lengths to pull off their "hit." (Includng stakeouts, "hiring" help through the targets friends, etc).

I remember that Fordham actually sponsored such an event in what was either my Freshman or Sophomore year (I don't remember which, but I'm pretty sure it was early Fordham years). I didn't play, mostly b/c I didn't really know as many people on the campus yet. But now i regret it. It sure as hell sounds like a blast.

But yeah you can read all about the reporter's own experience in the game and how she did right here.

And now tell me after reading that, you wouldn't wanna play?


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