Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Lord works in mysterious ways...

So here's the update on my aunt's situation. It's actually kinda weird.

Turns out, from what the doctors seem to be telling us- that my aunt was never pregnant. The only thing in her was that odd growth, yet she tested positive for pregnancy (and she was tested multiple times, might I add). They're still doing studies to see if the growth was cancerous or not, but regardless, the doctors did NOT like how it looked.

But yeah, it's really odd how she tested positive for pregnancy and the doctors told her and her husband that something like that only happens in like one in a million people. But in the end it seems to all have worked out for the better, b/c if she HADN'T tested positive for pregnancy my aunt probably would not have gone to the hospital to check out what was going wrong. She prob would have just assumed it was an ulcer or something and just tried to have taken something for it. But considering she thought she was pregnant, she was obviously taking better care of herself, so when she felt the pain, she went to the emergency room right away and that's when they found out what was going on. Thus, her thinking she was pregnant very well may have saved her life.

So it's been an emotional rollercoaster for the family the last few days, but at least my aunt is ok (she's actually still in the hospital though) and my mom went out there to help take care of her. But we're all happy that she will be fine and while initially upset that we thought we had lost a baby, it's a small comfort to know there was none to begin with, and that this all probably happened just so my aunt would be forced to get checked out. So we are very thankful to God for that.


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