Wednesday, September 07, 2005

3 Concerts and more

Ok, so as of last night we are just about done with our huge series of concerts. I'm taking Ariana to the Marc Anthony/Chayanne show on Friday and after that, nothing for over a month, until the Foo Fighters/Weezer show.

But I must say, the past few shows we've gone to have all been pretty freakin cool.

The first one was Our Lady Peace at the Bowery Ballroom on Wed night. Me and Ariana went to that and met up with Stevo there.

Bowery Ballroom is a pretty sweet place for a show. It's mad small (smaller than Irving Plaza) and has a really cool bar/lounge area downstairs where you can chill before the show or between bands. So we took advantage of that for all of us to catch up while the opening band delivered the suck on stage.

As for OLP's performance, they were great as always. They played for prob about an hour and a half and did about 14 songs. Seven songs were older hits, while the other 7 were songs off their new album. And normally, I hate when bands do that (especially considering the new album came out only one day before the show), but the new songs were really good, and they put a lot of energy into them. So in the end, the great performance of those new songs live, has given me a deeper respect for the album itself.

-Then the very next day, me and Ariana went to see Green Day at Giants Stadium. Jimmy Eat World opened and they put on a good albeit short set. They only played a half hour, but in that half hour they played pretty much all their hits. So it worked out, b/c I heard everything I really wanted to. If they had gone longer it would have been more like filler than anything else for me, heh. But yeah the performance was solid, and the lead singer's voice sounded better than the last time I saw them. So that was cool.

Then Green Day came out and freakin rocked the house. Before the show I had actually been a bit skeptical as to how good the show would be. Not b/c of Green Day per se, b/c I had seen them a few times before and they are always fun, but more b/c they were just playing a huge arena and I didn't know how the crowd or the sound for the band would be.

Well luckily the crowd was VERY into the show (the entire arena was on their feet the whole time) and the sound for the band was pretty good, so I was happy about that. Not to mention the setlist Green Day played was freakin great. They played pretty much all their major hits, including some lesser known, but still cool songs. They also played for just under 2 hours, and the whole time they were very energetic and had the crowd eating out of the palms of their hands. That's one thing I definitely have to give credit to Green Day for, they know how to work a crowd and put on a Hell of a show.

So my worries of possibly not enjoying the show were completely erased and by the end of the show, both me and Ariana had to say that it was actually one of the best shows we had ever been to (which is a pretty big thing to say, especially from me).

-Then to end the trifecta of shows within the week, me and Ariana went to see Coldplay @ MSG last night (Christina and Daniel went also, and after the show we wound up meeting up with Matthew and David too).

I wasn't thrilled with the opening band (although everyone seemed to think they were ok, other than the fact the sound was way too loud for them). They can have their opinions but mine was "ehh," also b/c they played for way too long (a full hour for an opening band that is not known? The Hell is that about)?

Coldplay also played a long set (an hour and 45 mins) but it was filled with pretty much all their big hits. I think the only big song they didn't play was Trouble (which disappointed me slightly but since the rest of the set was awesome, I couldn't complain too much). The concentrated mostly on the first 2 albums, and the stuff they played from the new album were the better songs, so like I said it was a REALLY solid set. Just about all you can ask from them, so we all walked out of the show pretty happy.


Oh and last but not least, something else to be happy about (hey the title of this post does say 3 concerts AND MORE)- I FINALLY beat Star Wars: KOTOR2 on Monday!!! WHOO!!

So yeah, I'm pretty psyched about that. The game was a lot of fun, although in the end I still think the story to the first KOTOR was far superior. But I'd def still recomend this game.

But now I've gotta make a decision. Which game do I start next? I'm thinking Suikoden 4, but I also have some PSone RPGs I should go through (Chrono Cross and Wild Arms 2). So it'll be a hard decision. I'll let u all know what I chose in a future post.


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