Monday, September 19, 2005


Last night was the end of the WWE Fantasy Season, with the Unforgiven PPV. The scores were just posted this afternoon, and I kicked ass!!!

I was on freakin fire this last week. I scored 477 points this week (the most anyone in my league scored in one week all season), and was in 118th place for the week OVERALL (that means only 117 people scored better than me, out of over 100,000 people playing the game).

So overall in the league I was in I wound up finishing in second place. But as I was telling Chaz (who was also in my league), I didn't play the first week, and for the second week, I screwed up (which was my bad b/c I didn't read all the rules and stuff) so I fell WAY behind. Yet I came up from the basement, and still wasn't TOO far out of 1st place.

The Fantasy League ranks people week by week, and after my screw up that second week, I was in 103016th place (yeah, ouch). But I was determined not to let that get me down and still try to win this thing. So each week, I kept moving up the ranks. I came in 1st place in my league six times (out of 14 weeks- well 13 technically) and I was never in last place again after that first week I played (actually I was in second place at least 3 more times).

And by the end of the league's season I was ranked 2378th, which is a pretty dramatic leap, don't you think?

So yeah, while I may technically be in second place, I'm totally proclaiming myself winner of my league (which I don't recall if I mentioned or not was named "Freakin Sweet Wrestling"- yeah we're all Family Guy geeks). Cuz I seriously doubt anyone else in my group could have made that comeback. And hey, if they wanna dispute my claim, they can just try to take me down next time around.

And we JUST found out that they are starting Season 5 in three weeks (it starts Oct 10th) and it's free again, so me and Chaz have already signed back up. Cuz this time, I'm determined to make the leader boards.

So yeah, I just had to share/revel in my victory with you all.

If any of you are hardcore wrestling fans and would like to join the Fantasy game, you can sign up now on the WWE website. Trust me, it's tons of fun.


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