Monday, September 12, 2005

Fun, even if not my style...

On Friday night I took Ariana to see the triple headlined concert of Marc Anthony, Chayanne and Alejandro Fernandez at MSG. It's not my kind of music at all but this was part of my anniversary gift to Ariana since she has wanted to see Marc Anthony in concert forever (and she was also very excited for Chayanne).

Pretty much the ENTIRE show was in Spanish (except for Marc Anthony's last song- "I Need to Know"), but that was fine with me. This was all for Ariana. Plus I still thought the music was fine, and I also got some amusement by watching the reactions to stuff in the audience. It was a fairly mixed crowd age-wise. Lots of older women though, and it was hysterical to watch them fawn and scream at any and all three of the men on stage. That definitely kept me entertained for a good part of the show.

Ariana loved the entire show too, so I was very happy about that. I was especially happy that Marc Anthony played for a little over a full hour unlike the last time I tried to take Ariana to a show of his and he only performed 4 songs (and the sound for his set wasn't the greatest either). So we were both quite pleased.

-The next day (Sat) me and Ariana bummed around for the first part of the day. We watched the first hour of Smackdown online- which wound up being a waste b/c unlike the rest of the country, they actually wound up showing the full two hours over here. Oh well.

-We then watched the Family Guy movie- The Stewie Griffen Story which Alan had downloaded and passed onto me this week. The movie is pretty freakin funny. It's amusing to hear all the characters curse and stuff. The best parts of the movie though was anything featuring Quagmire. Oh man all those scenes were freakin hysterical. If you are a Family Guy fan, you need to pick up this movie when it comes out on DVD (which I just found out is going to be on Sept. 27th).

-Later that night we went to Tequilla Sunrise in Larchmont for Joe's b-day gathering. I'm not a fan of Mexican food at all, so I picked up a slice of pizza beforehand. But regardless I had a fun time at the place b/c a good amount of people showed up, so it was good to see everyone again. It's true what Joe was saying- we gotta try to do this more often than just for people's b-days.

After dinner we then went to New Roc to go see the Transporter 2, and there we caught up with Marisa who had conspired with me and Henry to keep her presense a secret from Joe and surprise him before the movie. It wound up working out quite well, and Joe was happily surprised, so we were all proud of ourselves for pulling everything off.

Finally we ended the night by spending an hour at the New Roc arcade, where we spent most of the time either just catching up and playing a few rounds of Air Hockey. One funny comment to come out of the air hockey tournament was that Marisa and Ariana played against each other but near the beginning of the game, me and Joe left their game to play our own finals when another table opened up b/c the arcade was only a few minutes from closing and we wanted to get that final game in.

Well in the end Marisa won a hard-earned victory from Ariana 7-6, but then they both stormed over to us, complaining that we ditched them. So Ariana commented that:

"We were like the WNBA just there, busting our asses playing a game but no one comes to see them!"

We all found that comparison pretty funny, but we were saved from actually being in trouble when less than 5 minutes later they shut down the power to all the games. So we were able to prove that if we didn't start the game then, we wouldn't have finished. ::Phew!::

And that was about it for the weekend. I'll come back later in the day to post some amusing pics from the b-day gathering, along with some other stuff if I have the time.


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