Friday, September 30, 2005

150th Post!

Why am I making a big deal about this being my 150th post? I dunno honestly (especially considering I had forgotten to celebrate my 100th post or any other normally celebrated anniversary) but I couldn't think of a better title for the post, so you all get that, lol.

Umm, let's see not too much to report on this week, so I'll just put it all in one post as opposed to breaking things up like I had been lately.

On Saturday night, me and Ariana went to Jordan and Maryann's b-day party down in the city. They rented out the basement of Lucky Jack's and a good time was had by all. Lots of people attended and we met a bunch of new people (whom I've forgotten the names of for the most part, lol). The highlight for me was the fact I didn't have to drive afterwards (for once) and so I was able to take part in the drinking festivities- which meant Jager-bombs!! I had about 4-5 of them plus like 2-3 other drinks, so I was happily buzzed for the night. Henry posted pictures of the event on his blog, so i'm not gonna bother doing it again on mine, so I'll just link you to his post right here: (it's the post titled- This is how we do it- Proof).

Sadly there was an altercation at the end of the party that temporarily killed my buzz, but since I really don't know all the details of what happened, I'm not gonna say anything about it here. I'm just glad everyone was ok afterward. And as I said before, other than the crazyiness at the end the party was lots of fun and big props to Jordan and Maryann for showing us all a great time.


The next morning I woke up for the pre-sale of Yankees postseason tix. That was a difficult feat in itself, considering we did not get home til about 5:30am (stupid crappy train service in the middle of the night...). Since there were 4 of us who had the season tix and the rule for the presale was only 2 tix per SERIES. Me and Ariana attempted to get tix for the World Series while I tried for ALCS tix for Christina and Daniel.

I tried for the WS tix first, and was shocked at how expensive they were! Tix for the Tier Reserve (or the nosebleeds as some of you refer to them as) were $146 EACH. I mean I KNEW they'd be pricey but I wasn't expecting it to be THAT bad (I expected probably around $90). And we just absolutely refused to pay that price considering they are normally only $16 and we only paid $10 for ours all season.

I did score ALCS tix for Game 7 for Christina and Daniel though. So we wound up getting left out temporarily.

I say temporarily, b/c later in the week- the pre-sale was extended and I decided to get tix for me and Ariana for the first home game of the ALDS. I got them b/c Ariana had never been to a playoff game before and wanted the experience, plus even though I've been to a few playoff games, they were while I was working there, so I didn't get the FULL experience as a fan. So it should be a lot of fun.


Other cool stuff I got this week- I got a call from KROCK on Friday afternoon telling me I had wont the First Season of Lost on DVD. I didn't even remember entering a contest for it at first. But that was a nice surprise. Later on in the day, I remembered why I entered (b/c I had been watching the Summer replays of the show on ABC and for some reason they skipped a few episodes and it was pissing me off to have to go online and download the ones that I had missed). I wound up receiving the DVD in the mail on Monday (fast service!) so me and Ariana will prob go through a few episodes this weekend.

I also got another thing free. I went to Bestbuy on Tuesday to pick up a few DVDs. I had initially only intended on buying two items- the Family Guy Stewie movie and the latest Gilmore Girls Season (shut up, it's a good show, and I KNOW some guys who are reading this also watch it, lol). But while scanning the latest releases I saw the DVD of the Hardcore Homecoming show (the big independant ECW Show they ran in the old ECW Arena the Friday right before the WWE's ECW One Night Stand). I had heard the event was pretty cool so I decided to pick it up.

So I get to the cash register to pay and when they read me the total, I realize it's a bit lower than I was expecting (but of course I was gonna keep my mouth shut). As soon as they handed me the receipt I saw what they did was charge me twice for the ECW DVD but not for the Gilmore Girls DVD. But even double the amount of the ECW DVD was not as much as the GG DVD so in the end I saved myself about a good $20 or so. And the best part- as I was leaving the store, the alarm actually rang, and I got scared for a moment cuz I knew if they looked at the receipt I'd be screwed- but the guard just waved me through (prob b/c i was at the register right near the exit and he saw me pay right there). So that was pretty cool. Score one for incompetency in a big retail store! It actually worked in my favor this time, heh.


And finally- another item I picked up in that same Bestbuy trip (although i had ordered it online and just picked it up)- the new Ultimate Spider-Man videogame for Gamecube.

I just started playing it on Wed night and it's pretty cool. It's VERY similar to Spider-Man 2 (kind of like Grand Theft Auto in the free roaming sense) but it just looks like a comic book. You also play as both Spider-Man AND Venom. Which is a pretty cool feature as each character plays very differently. It's fun b/c Venom is pretty vicious as some of moves involve sucking the life out of victims, snapping opponents backs in half (with sick "snap!" sound effect to boot) and more. Plus the story for this game is a lot better than Spider-Man 2's was so far, so if you liked that game I'm sure you'd love this one.


This weekend should be fun- it's the final weekend of the baseball season and there are two great series occuring- Indians-White Sox and of course Yankees- Red Sox. So I'll be glued to my TV for those.

Plus Serenity opens today, and I'll be going to see it tomorrow after the baseball game, so that should be really cool. I'm looking quite forward to it.


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