Sunday, November 13, 2005

Tragic News...

I got one of the most unexpected shocks this morning...

I was at Ariana's place around 11am as we were going to go to her church today. While I was waiting for her to finish getting ready, I got on her laptop to check any final possible updates for the WWE Fantasy game (since this week they were setting the roster deadline today at noon).

Well when I opened the WWE homepage I immediately saw a graphic that stated that one of my all-time favorite wrestlers, Eddie Guerrero, passed away suddenly this morning.

I just couldn't believe it... especially considering that later that night he was scheduled to be in the main event of the WWE Supershow and quite possibly was set to win the World Title.

But the second I saw the graphic, I just literally shouted out "Oh My God!" Ariana ran into the living room asking me what happened, and I told her the very sad news.

We were just both in shock. I immediately tried to IM my best friend, Charles, to tell him the news. We got cut off though, so he wound up calling me, and I told him the bad news over the phone. He was just as shocked.

After hanging up with Charles I went back online trying to find out any information that I could, but I was just SO shocked and out of it, that my hands were shaky as I tried to move the mouse and type. It took all I had to concentrate... like I said before, I just couldn't believe it.

We had to go to church soon after, but I thought about the situation all day. And as soon as we came back I looked up and found a lot more information.

It seems Eddie's death was very sudden. He was found in his hotel bathroom with his toothbrush in his mouth. So people are figuring that the cause of death was a heart attack. Some people speculate drug abuse, as Eddie admittedly had addiction problems in the past. But he was also known to have turned his life around, become a born-again Christian, and had been sober for the past 4 years (according to his nephew Chavo, he JUST celebrated his fourth anniversay of sobriety three days earlier).

But regardless, the man was only 38 years old, and I can't even begin to express how sad this makes me. You all know what a big wrestling geek I am (umm, yeah, Hi, me and my buddies rented an actual wrestling ring, got training and beat the crap out of each other for 2 hours for our high school graduation present), so things like this hit me close to home.

This is about the most tragic wrestling death since Owen Hart back in 1999. And just as with Owen's passing, the WWE is going to celebrate the life of the Eddie Guerrero on both Raw AND Smackdown in two tribute shows.

The Owen tribute episode was during the height of wrestling's popularity, so some of you may have even seen or heard about that episode. It was one of the most emotional nights of television I have ever been witness to. I think it'd be a good idea for any person who has even just a slight interest in pro-wrestling to watch both Raw (Spike TV, Mon 9:00pm) and Smackdown (UPN, Fri 8:00pm) this week to see some true "reality tv." A warning though- keep some kleenex handy, you'll need it.

But yeah... I don't know what else to say. I can't properly eulogize the man, since I obviously didn't "know" him. But I knew the performer on TV, and with him in particular, that was just like knowing the man himself. He was a funny guy, charismatic, a great athlete and just an all-around amazing performer.

Among some of my favorite Eddie Guerrero moments:
- His final match in ECW against Dean Malenko. It was a Best of 3 Falls match, and remains to this day as one of the best ECW matches ever. It was also one of the earlier ECW matches I had seen and was what got me hooked on ECW.
- His match with Rey Mysterio at Halloween Havoc '97. It was just too awesome to put into words.
- And a moment I witnessed in person- the end to Wrestlemania 20 at MSG, with both Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero standing in the ring as the respective World Champions for their brands. It was just a great sight to see.

Some sites have lots to say about Eddie and his life and career. You can see a pretty good career perspective from a fan at this site, and an official one on the WWE webpage. Check it out.

And well, I guess I'll end this post here. It's gone way longer than I expected it to. But I just had a lot to say.

R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero
You gave the world, myself included, many great memories. Thank you...


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