Monday, January 09, 2006

The Champ is GONE!

John Cena lost the WWE title to Edge tonight and I can't be happier!!

Hell... screw happy, I'm freakin giddy! That was such an awesome ending to tonight's New Years Revolution PPV!!

Cena actually wound up winning the Elimination chamber match but oh man was the crowd ever against him!!! The best part were the four dudes in the crowd a few rows in with the huge "thumbs-up" sign which they turned upside down for a "thumbs-down" every time Cena was on offense, and back to thumbs-up whenever Cena was getting his ass beat. Pure gold.

Even when the final 3 guys were Masters, Carlito and Cena- Cena STILL wasn't cheered (well maybe a little but not by real choice, only b/c Masters and Carlito aren't ready for the big gold and the audience knows it). They booed like Hell when he won, but then once Vince McMahon came out to announce Edge was cashing in his "Money In The Bank" title shot, the crowd perked up again (and so did I, as I was nearly jumping out of my seat).

Edge almost beat Cena immediately with a spear but freakin Cena kicked out (and nearly had me scared they wouldn't do the title change), but when Edge nailed Cena with a second spear, I knew, as well as the whole live audience, that it was over and I jumped out of my seat onto the floor to count with the referee to three and then me and Ariana proceeded to jump around and celebrate in her apartment. Oh what a glorious moment it was! Especially since I called it happening earlier in the night (even before the PPV started).

So yeah, it hurt at first to spend the $35 for the PPV, but dammit, it was worth it for the ending alone. PLUS, I got to tape it. So I can rewatch the magic whenever I want. What a great way to end my vacation... God, I am giddy.


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