Thursday, December 01, 2005

Where's Megaman?

Some of you may be wondering why the my beloved Headbanging Megaman is no longer my AIM icon. Well he was basically a temporary casuality of my current WWE Fantasy feud with my best friend Charles (Chaz).

The background to the story is that this week me and Charles picked nearly identical rosters for this week. The main exceptions being that he picked Booker T and Sharmell while I picked Chris Benoit.

Well on the Tuesday Smackdown Special, Booker T defeated Benoit to pull Chaz ahead of me in points for the week. But then we both decided to be very impatient and we snuck a look at Smackdown Spoilers for Friday Night. Turns out Benoit will fight again and win in a match with someone else. This would now put me in front of Chaz by about 6 points (yeah, we're calculating ahead of time, we are serious geeks, lol).

However, we later learned by reading another set of spoilers that both Booker T and Sharmell make an appearance on SD as commentators on the Benoit match. Which at 3 points per appearance each would tie Chaz with me.

But THEN we later heard that after the match Benoit and Booker T start to fight outside and Benoit puts Booker T in the Crippler Crossface, which would score me 1 point and thus would ever so slightly give me the victory for the week.

Or will it???

See it all depends on certain things, due to the way the League scores points. A wrestler gets appearance points for every segment he/she is on TV. According to the WWE Fantasy rules, a segment is defined as: the time period that begins when the WWE show comes back from commercial (or starts) and continues until the time the WWE show goes to commercial (or ends).

So my fear is that something like this might happen: Booker T and Sharmell come out to go to the announcers table, then commercials come, then we come back for the introductions and beginning of the match with Benoit. This would give both Booker T and Sharmell two sets of appearance points each, while Benoit would only get one (thus Chaz would pull ahead and win).

Another question we both have is, what happens if the match starts, then Booker T and Sharmell show up and during the match a commercials occurs? Now I know Benoit wouldn't receive extra points but I'm not to sure about Chaz's picks. My one hope (if the above case were to happen) is how they interpret the following rule: Appearances that are broken up by commercial breaks that come during a match will not count as two separate appearances.

It seems that I would be safe, but then again, Booker T wouldn't be the one involved in the match, so does the rule still apply to him? I think so, but it's something for me to worry about.

And lastly, the one point I should probably win by may not even come into play, b/c if the brawl outside between Booker T and Benoit is not aired on TV then I won't get the point for the Crossface.

So yeah, it's gonna be EXTREMELY close, and both me and Chaz want to win this week badly. It's just about the closest any two competitors have been in either of the seasons we have participated in. And it's just so appropriate that it comes down to me and Chaz.

So yeah, LOTS of trash-talking has been going down. It's even seeped into both of our myspace accounts as well as our AIM icons (I now have a Benoit icon, while he was for Booker T). It will be quite intense until Fri Night and Sat afternoon (when the scores are posted). Wish me luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won THIS WEEK for Chaz, sucka!

I'm just a Boo-kah T! Boo-kah Teeeee! I'm not yo' suc- kah! Suuh- kaaah!

11:06 AM  

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