Wednesday, November 16, 2005

And it's only half over...

I watched the Eddie Guerrero tribute episode of Raw last night. Man was that a sad show. I hadn't cried since I heard about his death on Sunday. I felt bad and thought about it a lot, but I held strong. However, just seeing all the WWE roster at the beginning of Raw, standing together crying as they did the 10 bell salute, just triggered something in me. So yeah, I'm not ashamed to admit, I cried... multiple times throughout the show.

But I will tell you for sure that I was not the only one who did. Actually, I'm pretty damn sure that more grown men across this country cried last night b/c of this TV show than for any other event in YEARS (and no, fans of losing teams of Superbowls does NOT count).

But yeah, there was good reason to cry. Seeing the wrestlers faces, as well as those in the audience, the testimonials the wrestlers gave about Eddie, oh and let's not forget the Tribute video set to Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt."

So yeah, sad stuff, but it was also very cathartic. It just needed to be done. We all had to mourn and get past it. It sucks, but it's life. I look forward to watching the final part on Friday during Smackdown. It'll suck b/c it'll still be painful but at least it'll be a few days in between.

But yeah, if you missed it, you can watch the tribute music video on the WWE website (actually scratch that, they don't have the "Hurt" video up yet but they do have a few other moments from the show). You can also view the testimonials there. You should check it out if you were a wrestling fan at any point in your life (I recomend at the very least checking out the one by JBL). Powerful stuff.


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