Another reason why I don't read the regular Spider-Man books anymore...

EDIT (11/29/05)
Second, umm, shouldn't Spidey be in way too much pain to be having an inner dialogue? Other than said "OUCH!" (and at second glance, he doesn't even make any pain "sound effects").
Actually... screw "inner monologue" the man gets his eye torn out and he has the wherewithall to scream "NOOOOOOOOO!!!?" How bout something more realistic like "AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!?"
And lastly... they FREAKIN RIPPED OUT SPIDER-MAN'S EYE!!!! And not only that, the villain then EATS it??? WTF?!!?
Will I sound crazy if I say that it's times like these I actually miss the Comics Code? Granted, the code could be annoying, but it forced writers to be more creative. Nowadays writers just go for shock value and all of our favorite (or tertiary) characters are getting raped, deformed, killed off, etc. I mean fine I can buy "we did it for the sake of the story" for some major events, but aren't you kind of compromising the character of Spider-Man by ripping out the poor dude's eye? Who wants to read about that in a Spidey book? Do that to a more minor character (or a major character in a darker book) if you wanna explore that in a comic. Don't screw with an icon that badly.
And I know I'm probably complaining over nothing, b/c just how they fixed Batman's broken back, changed back "Electric Blue" Superman, and bring dead characters back all the time (see: Colossus, Bucky, Jason Todd), but that in itself is a reason to complain. If you're gonna do something, stick to your guns. This is an event that will DEFINITELY not hold water even five years down the line, if it even makes it past the year.
This is just yet another in a very long list of reasons why I feel that the Ultimate Spider-Man comic is now the definitive Spidey title (screw the regular universe...)
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