Thursday, November 17, 2005


This is story that also happened to me last week that I forgot to share in the crazyiness of the weekend. It's short, but man... experiencing it seemed like forever.

Last week I went to my comic store up in Central Ave. It had been at least 3 weeks since the last time I went so I had a lot of stuff being held for me that I wanted to pick up. Well when I walk in, it's just the owner of the store (a middle aged kind of odd Asian guy, named Steve) and two ladies- a middle aged woman purchasing something, and a younger woman who's kind of off to the side looking as if she was discussing something with Steve.

Well that's nothing strange at all in and of itself (unless you wanna crack jokes about how that was probably the highest female to male ratio the store had probably ever seen, but I won't go there). So I go to the file cabinet to pull out my file of comics for the week and stand at the side counter organizing and looking through my books. As I'm doing this, the first lady (the older one) has finished her purchase and leaves and then the younger woman and Steve start chatting in a kind of serious tone.

I'm not paying any real attention to what is being said, b/c I'm busy organizing my comics and trying to figure if I was missing anything I wanted, but since the store is pretty much deserted other than for the 3 of us, it was kind of hard for me to NOT overhear some of their conversation.

It sounded like one of those serious "we gotta have a talk" relationship things, but since I wasn't fully paying attention, I couldn't tell for the longest if the girl standing there was the girlfriend in question or a friend/confidant (I was leaning toward just friend/confidant at first b/c the girl in question was young or at least quite younger than Steve, and pretty attractive. And no knock to Steve, b/c he's a nice guy and all, but she was so totally not the kind of girl I would picture him with). But regardless the conversation turned to a few personal things, and at this point I'm starting to feel quite awkward. So I moved away from the counter and tried to ignore the convo while I looked in the comic stacks to see if anything came out that I didn't know about that I would want to add to my purchase.

However, at this point both Steve and the girl are in a full serious "I don't think this relationship is working out because..." conversation. There was no yelling or anything (actually it was kept quite cordial considering the subject matter), but you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. I so just wanted to get the hell out of there, and I totally would have just put my comics back and ran out, if it wasn't for the fact it was THREE weeks worth of stuff, and I had come fairly out of the way to come up here and get them.

I finished up and wanted to just go pay and leave, but I didn't wanna just interupt them either. So I tried to keep looking for an opportunity for me to step in, but for each agonizing second that passed the urge to just leave sans comics was growing stronger.

Thankfully, the girl glanced over toward me and must have realized I was done and was like "don't mind us, you can do your business." So I was just like "Oh, thanks, just didn't wanna interupt..." And then she just responded with "Oh don't worry about it, you're not interupting, it's just an old-fashioned break-up."

And in my head I'm just thinking "OUCH!" Poor Steve...

And then another thing that made it even more bizarre, is that as he is ringing up my items he seemed to jump out of serious-mode and starts commenting on some of the books and going into comic geek chat with me like we normally do. I returned the polite banter but just wished he would ring me up faster so I could end this awkwardness.

Finally we were done and I said goodbye and bolted for the door. And JUST as I was walking out, some poor soul (a middle aged quite geeky guy) starts to walk in. If ONLY I had made it out the door first, I would have warned the dude all like "You might NOT want to go in there... trust me." But it was too late. Oh well... hopefully he'll be smarter and bolt faster than I did.

But yeah, just had to share that story. Quite bizarre, wouldn't you say? What the Hell would YOU have done?


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