Thursday, January 12, 2006


Here's an amusing comment from an article from CNN which Henry forwarded:

-For all of Bauer's toughness, his humanity almost sneaked into one episode filmed recently.

"There's a running joke among fans that Jack never goes to the bathroom," Sutherland recalls. "We had a scene where I was running towards a sign pointing 'BATHROOM' to the left and 'OFFICES' to the right. I did a double-take and ran towards the bathroom! We sent it in to the network, as a joke reel. But, quite frankly, nobody wants to see Jack Bauer go to the bathroom."

- I hope that makes the DVD.


And continuing with the funny here is a hilarious SNL skit someone forwarded to me. Basically it's the auditions for the original Star Wars movie. But the twist being that Kevin Spacey plays Christopher Walken as Han Solo and the late Walter Mattau as Obi Wan Kenobi. And Darrell Hammond plays Richard Dryfus as C-3PO. Amusing stuff.

- Also from the same site, an amusing TV Funhouse sketch starring the Peanuts from a few years back. It's the Christmas one, where the Peanuts gang realizes they have "mystical powers."

And hell this is the main site for u all to just browse through what they have.


Oh, I've also had this clip for awhile but kept forgetting to post it. It makes fun of the "relationship" between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. There are a few of these kinds of clips out there. They actually showed one of Harry Potter and Ron on a recent episode of SNL.


And lastly, Henry sent this out and I just had to share b/c it is pretty freakin hilarious. It's a clip from one of Robin Williams comedy shows (I believe it was the Broadway one). Enjoy!


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