Wednesday, March 29, 2006

That's one mighty big pothole...

I saw this in the Daily News the other day and my jaw just dropped. I wish I could find the exact picture they used (b/c I think it was the best) but this one above totally gives you the idea of what happened.

Scary thing is, the lady was just in neutral in her car when this happened. Not like she was driving, and hit a small pothole that just collapsed. Imagine you are just standing there in your car and all of a sudden you just freakin sink into the ground! Crazy stuff.

Oh this happened in Brooklyn, by the way...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

South Park fun!

Just in time for the season premiere of South Park tonight; Joe came across this great website which lets you create your very own South Park characters. He made one of Henry, Marisa and Ariana. I tried my hand at it as well making one of myself. Henry actually already posted them on his blog, so I'll link you to that.

But for my loyal readers here's my version of myself, as well as a version of Ariana I created.

(I threw in the lightsaber just for the hell of it, heh).

Pretty cool, huh?

Oh and speaking of tonight's new episode of South Park, how funny was that? The splicing together of the old Chef dialogue had me on the floor. And the ending! Darth Chef! That's freakin great, heh.

Well I'm about to watch the season premiere of Mind of Mencia on my DVR before I head to bed, so I'll continue updating later.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Good baseball came early

Well the Championship game of the first ever World Baseball Classic (WBC) between Japan and Cuba was just the other night (which Japan won). I haven't mentioned the WBC at all yet (b/c well to be honest I just haven't had time to update as much) but I love the idea. I watched as much of it as I could (b/c sadly some of the games were at wacky times) and I enjoyed them all. I know a lot of people trashed it but I really liked it as a whole. Granted the WBC is far from perfect, but it's just the first one. They can make some tweaks and changes by the next one.

The first major thing I'd do is change the time of year this thing occurs. March is a terrible time for this tournament. I would change it to either November (like about a week after the final game of the World Series) or maybe January (they just couldn't put games on Sunday b/c of the end of the football season). But I hope they don't always keep it in March, b/c it's right up against the NCAA and NIT Tournaments. And while I could give a rat's ass about college basketball, I know the nation as a whole has their attention more on that in March.

I also don't like the whole thing with ties being decided by some crazy point system. Both Japan and Team USA had 1 win and 2 losses in the second round of the tourney but just b/c of some weird system, Japan was able to advance. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think USA deserved to advance instead or to win (hell I didn't have them in the final four anyways, my original prediction for the finals was Japan vs Dominican Republic with Japan winning it all), but they should have forced Japan and USA to play a tie-breaker game. Baseball should be won on the field not through some crazy ass calculations (this is one of the many reasons why people can't stand the BCS system in college football).

And finally, if this is the WORLD baseball classic, then it needs to be spread out over the world. Ok, they did play some games in Japan and some in Puerto Rico, but the majority of games were played in the US. They need to spread the wealth. I think if anything, the majority of the tournament should be held in the country of the winner of the previous WBC. I think it'd just make things more fair.

But anyways, like I said, it's only the first time, so we'll see what they wind up changing. But in the meantime, I really enjoyed it. And even if they don't change anything I will look forward to the next one.

And for another thing, I really liked some of the uniforms and caps of the teams. My current fav is the batting helmut for Team Japan, but the cap for the team is also pretty sweet (I may just be tempted to buy one).

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Some pretty good news

I neglected to mention in an earlier post that I had my interview with the graduate school admissions for Mercy College the other week. It went really well and I was told I was accepted into the counseling program on the spot. So I'm really glad about that. It's not my first choice (b/c it's still fairly expensive) but at least I know I got in somewhere. I'm trying for Lehman and Hunter College as well. I'm really hoping to get into Lehman (cuz not only is it a LOT cheaper, but it's also really close), so we'll see. Say a prayer for me everyone!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's The Juggernaut B**ch!

Some guys had some fun dubbing over an episode of the 90's X-Men cartoon featuring the Juggernaut. It's hysterical stuff.

My favorite line was Jubilee saying "Feel the wrath of Bret Hart's daughter!"

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Simpsons Unplugged & some Chronic(WHAT!)cles of Narnia

This is probably the crap I'd have tried to learn if I went through with learning how to play guitar, lol. It is quite awesome though, check it out.


And in other great web videos, here is the current "king" of the internet. The now classic "Lazy Sunday" music video (also known as the Chronicles of Narnia Rap) from a recent SNL. If you haven't seen it yet (in which case you must be living under a rock) then you need to see it now.

You too can do a roundhouse kick! (or not)

Just found this site where you can buy your very own Chuck Norris T-shirt! So many great ones to choose from. Maybe some of his asskicking power will rub off on whoever wears one, lol.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


My friend Greg sent this video along. It's a parody of the Final Fantasy series (and RPG's in general).

It's kind of long (it clocks in at just under twelve minutes), but it's well worth every second. If you have EVER played a Role Playing Game (especially anything on the Super NES or on the earlier Playstation) then you owe it to yourself to watch this video. Being the big RPG geek that I am, this thing nearly had me on the floor in tears, I was laughing so hard.

To give you an idea what you are in for with the video, a friend of mine said it best "Who hasn't won an FF main boss battle with only one character left being either confused or berserked?" (You'll get this once you see what kind of video it is).

The last thing I have to say about this video is that I'm actually pretty jealous that I didn't think of the idea for this thing first, lol. It's just so simple, it's ingenious. Enjoy!