Thursday, March 23, 2006

South Park fun!

Just in time for the season premiere of South Park tonight; Joe came across this great website which lets you create your very own South Park characters. He made one of Henry, Marisa and Ariana. I tried my hand at it as well making one of myself. Henry actually already posted them on his blog, so I'll link you to that.

But for my loyal readers here's my version of myself, as well as a version of Ariana I created.

(I threw in the lightsaber just for the hell of it, heh).

Pretty cool, huh?

Oh and speaking of tonight's new episode of South Park, how funny was that? The splicing together of the old Chef dialogue had me on the floor. And the ending! Darth Chef! That's freakin great, heh.

Well I'm about to watch the season premiere of Mind of Mencia on my DVR before I head to bed, so I'll continue updating later.


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