Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sad news...

Boy, it's been a really bad week to be a Yankee fan. But the ALDS loss is a very small thing in the grand scheme of things after the sad news that Yankee pitcher, Cory Lidle, died in a plane crash today.

He was actually the pilot of the plane that crashed into the apartment building on 72nd St. and York downtown. Now, I wasn't really a Lidle fan, I mean he just joined the team in July. But I did see him pitch live twice this season (since I am a partial season ticket holder), so it's just kind of weird to know he's no longer with us. But I'm not mourning him b/c he was a Yankee (cuz in all honesty, he probably would have been let go within the next few days/weeks anyway) but b/c he was a human being. And even though there are conflcting reports, I also feel bad for anyone else who might have been hurt or killed in the accident. Especially if it was anyone who was in their apartment. Imagine, just chilling in your place and then all of a sudden a plane crashes through your living room! It's just a sad situation. You can check out the official story from the Daily News here and a more sports-slanted version (and actually probably more overall detailed version) from here.

It just goes to show, that you NEVER know when you are gonna go... and more than a reason to have both your life and spiritual life in good order at all times.

Cory Lidle

and R.I.P. to whomever else may have perished in that tragic accident.


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