Thursday, January 12, 2006

Then and Now...

Phil just sent along some disturbing pics the other day. Wrestling fans from the 90's will surely remember Tammy Sytch, probably better known in the WWF as "Sunny."

While WCW was kicking WWF's ass in the ratings and before WWF elevated guys like Stone Cold, Mankind, the Rock and Triple H; Sunny was one of the main reasons to tune into Monday Night Raw (at least for a 15 year old teenager they were, lol).

But sadly, Sunny has let herself go- BIG TIME. She had started to gain weight a few years back b/c she was on drugs. But then both her and her husband (the late Chris Candido) got themselves clean and were doing better. She wasn't back to her old looks yet, but she was improving. But then Candido passed away last year, and I guess that sent her into a downward spiral. Sad, b/c she used to be SOOO hot. Here's a pic of what she used to look like:

And here's what she looks like now.

Yeah, pretty bad, huh? And thing is, she's been through a lot, so fine she let herself go. But if she's gonna do it, she's gotta accept it and stop trying to go out there and be the hot chick. That time is past, she should let it be.

-And speaking of other ex-hot wrestling babes. Remember Kimberly Page? Wife of Diamond Dallas Page and former manager to Johnny B. Badd? She used to be another one of my favorite valets.

Well I just found out that she was in the 40 Year Old Virgin! Now I've seen that movie two or three times, but I only found out when I read about this the other day. She plays the woman in the speed-dating scene whose breast falls out of her shirt. But she just looks so much older that I didn't even recognize her!

Here's a pic of Kimberly in her prime:
and well I can't post the pic of her from the movie b/c it has nudity but I can link you to it here (it's obviously not safe for work). But yeah, let's just say the years haven't been kind, especially around the chest area.

So yeah, I just had to share, b/c it was kind of depressing. Not just for them, but for me also, b/c I guess I'm beginning to enter the years where famous women I found attractive as a teenager are no longer gonna be as hot. Has this realization come to any other dudes out there? If so, share who your former interest was, and we can cope together (lol).


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