Thursday, May 18, 2006

My trip to Puerto Rico

Ok, I know I just gave everyone the big highlight of my trip to Puerto Rico but it’s about time I filled everyone in on the rest of the trip.

As I said before, the trip was mainly for our annual conference from May 1st-4th. But we went a little early to take in the sites of PR. We arrived in PR on Friday the 28th. The first hotel we stayed in was the Coqui/Green Isle Inn in town of Carolina, right off Isla Verde Ave. It was really close to where we stayed last time, which was cool b/c we already knew where most of the stuff in the area was.

Sadly, the weather in PR was kinda crappy for most of the trip. It rained on and off almost everyday (it didn't get fully nice until Thursday). So the first night there, we didn’t get to do much. The highlight of the night was finding this awesome deli/bakery called the Panaderia Espana a few blocks from our hotel. The sandwiches there were amazing and the desserts kicked ass as well.

The place was so good, that we went back there again the next morning for brunch. Getting those sandwiches helped us last through our pretty busy day. First we took a bus over to the port in Old San Juan, where we took the ferry over to the side of the island where they had the Bacardi Factory.

We went on the Bacardi Factory tour, which was cool (as well as free). It’s no longer in the actual distillery b/c they finally realized that allowing potentially already inebriated people into a place where they make alcohol could lead to craziness. But the new site was cool. There was tons of info to be had in there, so we spent a good amount of time looking around. And the best part, once the tour is over, they give everyone two free drink tickets! And we actually each got 3 free drinks b/c at one point the bartenders forgot to take one of our tix. So we each had a nice midday buzz going, heh.

After the Bacardi tour, we headed back to Old San Juan to walk around. They had some free live music in the town square as well as a bunch of people selling items in the streets. So we had a good time listening to the music and just looking around at the stuff.

We then had dinner in Old San Juan at a restaurant called Mojitos. I had been there the very first time I came to PR (I was taken there by my co-workers) and I remembered enjoying it, so I took Ariana there so she could try it herself. The food there was excellent. Me & Ariana enjoyed each of our meals so much that we actually wound up swapping our meals half and half b/c we couldn’t decide which dish we liked more, lol.

Sadly, the day was ALMOST ruined by the Puerto Rican bus system. When we had gotten on the bus earlier in the day, we made sure to ask what time the last bus left Old San Juan back to our area. The driver told us it was at 9pm, so knowing that, we got to the bus station at around 8:25pm (hoping to possibly even catch the bus before the last one).

But no bus came… at least it almost didn’t. There were a ton of people waiting there but the bus didn’t show for the longest. As 9:30 rolled around, people were getting antsy (b/c there were people who had been waiting for the bus before we even got there, meaning they were already waiting for over an hour). Finally one of the people waiting called the bus terminal from her cell phone and asked what the hell was going on.

Turns out, the driver of the bus, stopped at another bus terminal early and figured he didn’t think it was worth making the last route and ENDED HIS SHIFT.

There was of course no warning, and about 30 people waiting at the terminal we were at and we were all furious. I really didn’t wanna take a cab back in the first place b/c it would have cost us $20 (as opposed to just 75 cents for the bus), so we had decided to wait it out. Now if I knew it wasn’t gonna come, I would have bit the bullet and taken the cab, but now that we were already in it for over an hour, I was committed to this by sheer principle (and I don’t wanna seem cheap, but $20 to go to our area was a rip off). Many of the other people were thinking the same way I was, so we demanded that they send a bus over to finish the last shift.

So finally, at 10pm a bus came and thankfully took us all on an express route back. It was a pretty annoying experience, but we had had such a good time the rest of the day, we didn’t let it ruin our moods.

-The next day we woke up early as we had made reservations for a tour of the El Yunque Rainforest. We got picked up at our hotel and we had a really good tour guide and a nice group of people as well. So that all attributed to us having a good time. The trail itself, was beautiful, and quite a work out. At the end of it there was a waterfall you could swim in, so both me and Ariana went into it. I have pics of it, but haven’t taken it off the camera yet, so maybe I’ll post them later on.

And thankfully, the weather was nice for the most part. It did rain a bit towards the end of the tour, but I was actually happy about that, b/c hell it was a rainforest, so you got to expect rain. It worked out b/c it was cool to see the rainforest in both atmospheres.

After we got back from the rainforest it was really pouring, so we just chilled in the hotel awhile. Ariana had a big final the Monday of when we were coming back, so any free opportunity she had, she studied. So I watched TV and read some magazine’s I brought with me.

Later on that night, we wanted to go out for a nice dinner. But when we walked around to the nicer restaurants in the area, we noticed almost all of them were completely deserted (they were open, but NO ONE was in them). We swung by 3 different places and it was the same thing for each one, which we found kind of odd. Granted it was a Sunday night and the weather sucked, but we expected it to be at least a little busy.

We almost packed it in for the night and were gonna order out, but I didn’t wanna be holed up in the room, so we decided to go to the Ponderosa nearby. Now, before you say anything, Ponderosa’s in PR are actually GOOD, unlike how they are in NY (like the cruddy one in Bay Plaza). We were just planning to go later in the week, since it was closer to the other hotel we were going to stay in. So we just had to change plans.

It was while we were at the Ponderosa that we learned a possible reason why the other restaurants in the area were empty. Apparently, the island was in financial turmoil and a strike was expected for the next morning. This was the first we were actually hearing about the PR strike, b/c while we did hear whispers of a worker’s strike, we just assumed it was a sympathy strike to go along with what was happening in the US mainland with the immigrants, not something on it’s own. We had bought the paper that morning, but hadn’t looked through it yet, b/c we were busy. Needless to say, we read through whatever we could once we got back to our hotel, heh.

After that, we hung out back at the hotel for awhile, but then the weather cleared up. We had talked earlier in the day about going for a walk on the beach at night, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do it.

However, Ariana was in study mode, and it seemed like she almost wanted to postpone our plans (which had me freaking out, especially b/c of what I had planned). Thankfully, the cable in the hotel actually went out, and Ariana felt bad that I would be in the room with nothing to watch, so she put down her books and decided we should take that walk on the beach.

So “yay!” for divine intervention! lol

The rest of the story I basically already explained in my previous post. We had a nice romantic walk on the moonlit beach and towards the end, as we were talking, I got on my knee and proposed. Needless to say Ariana was ecstatic (she nearly knocked me over in the sand, lol).

And we basically spent the rest of the night on our phones calling our families to tell them the great news.

-And since this post is getting pretty long and I’m only about 3 days into the trip, I’ll zoom through the rest.

The next day we headed over to the El San Juan Hotel, which was the site of the annual conference (and actually not too far from the hotel we were already staying at). We stayed there until Thursday.

Since most of those days were filled with meetings and stuff from like 8:30am-5pm, those days were fairly laid back and uneventful. Ariana studied as I worked and after I got out of the conference each day we hit the gym and then the pool and hot tubs (which were awesome by the way). We also called a bunch of people throughout the week to tell them about the engagement. And on our last night at that hotel, we hit the casino for a bit. I didn’t win anything, but we had a good time (cuz I actually was doing decent for awhile but wound up only breaking even in the end).

-The third leg of our stay took us our of the Carolina area over to Condado, where we stayed at the Holiday Inn Express. The area was decent, but it was almost entirely under construction. So I’m sure the area will be pretty sweet once all that is finished.

That first day was pretty laid back. We finally got a chance to hit the beach (b/c I wasn’t gonna return to NY as pasty white as I left, lol) and then the hotel’s pool and hot tub (yeah, this smaller place even had a hot tub, how awesome is that)?

-The next day, which was basically our final full day in PR we decided to wander the area a bit in the morning and then in the afternoon we took the bus out to the Plaza las Americas, which is basically the biggest mall in the entire Caribbean. We had some great Japanese food for lunch (b/c we had been having Spanish food all week, which was cool, but we needed a change). Then we went to the movie theater in the mall to go see The Sentinel. The movie was alright, it was sort of like a really long episode of 24, but without all the characterization and build up (which I don’t know is necessarily a good thing, but Keifer Sutherland was his usual bad ass self in the movie, so that made it fun). I also just need to point out, how utterly useless Eva Longoria’s character was. Not because of HER specifically, just b/c the CHARACTER was not necessary, except to give them an excuse to put a pretty face in the movie. Just had to vent on that, but aside from that minor issue, the movie was decent. And considering movies in PR are only $6, I can’t really complain.

We then swung by the Hot Topic in the mall, where I found a bunch of cool WWE t-shirts. They had a pretty cool Eddie Guerrero shirt (and I’ve been wanting one for awhile, but I haven’t been thrilled with the ones on the WWE website, at least not for the price they were selling them for). So it was cool, that I found decent one. They also actually still had Christian- “Captain Charisma’ shirts, so I got one of those as well. And I even had a 15% off ticket for frequent purchases(which must have been in my wallet for AGES), so I got an even better deal on the shirts, which was cool.

And yeah, that was pretty much my trip for the most part. Sure, more stuff happened but I won’t bore you all with the more minute details. I think I’ve rambled on long enough, lol. But yeah I had a real blast on this trip. And unlike most vacations I go on, I wasn’t exhausted by the end of it (cuz we’re usually like “I need a vacation from my vacation”). So that was a nice change of pace. Plus hey, I got engaged! So I really couldn’t have asked for more than that.

Great times…

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Big News!!!

Ok, so as most of you know, the other week (Apr. 28th-May 6th) Ariana and I were in Puerto Rico (me for a conference and Ariana for vacation). Well on the Sunday night (Apr. 30th), we had an adventurous, fun day that was capped off with a moonlit walk on the beach where I proposed to Ariana!

Not to keep any of you in suspense, but of course she said yes, lol. So yeah, it's official. We are now engaged! (I know this is not a surprise to prob about 90% of you as we have called to tell almost everyone so far, but I gotta make a post about it for posterity's sake, lol).

No dates or anything have been set yet, but we will announce things to everyone as they come along.

-Thanks to everyone for all your great wishes and comments about the news!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My friends are really funny bastards...

I've been meaning to share the following for over a month now. Back at the end of March, when we were planning a bunch of b-day parties, the group started throwing out a whole bunch of Chuck Norris-isms and other colorful crazyiness through e-mail.

Well at one point Joe V tried to April Fool us all into suggesting we go to a strip club after Marisa's b-day party. Of course jokes went around about it and it all culminated in this masterpiece by Alan C. Enjoy.

You know, Chuck Norris did actually own a strip club once. It was called "The Dirty Norris House of Clitoris." At first it was a good, profitable venture and Chuck was able to keep himself well-stocked in beard-trimmers, cowboy hats, and beef jerky ('cause Chuck Norris likes beef jerky). Unfortunately, though, the club hit hard times a few months after opening due to the high turnover rate of the strippers - they just kept winding up pregnant and few people (aside from Gae) like to see a woman straddle a pole during her third trimester. The Department of Health (along with The Department of Homeland Security due to Chuck's involvement) was eventually brought in to investigate the conspicuous 100% pregnancy rate of all the females who even stepped into the club (even just female spectators). It was ultimately discovered that Chuck was just so virile, he impregnated every woman that passed through the front doors by simply looking at them. 247 child support suits were brought against Chuck Norris because of all this- they were all quickly squashed by the legal system, though. Chuck argued that the many women should consider themselves lucky to have the chance to bear his seed and in fact, they should pay him. The judge agreed and, upon reflection, so did the women. Chuck was awarded 2.3 million dollars. Despite this landmark legal victory and handsome payout, though, Chuck eventually did wind up having to close the club down due to the decreased profitablility. Some say Chuck Norris cried that day... but those people were promptly roundhouse kicked to death by Chuck for spreading malicious lies about him.
See you all at the party.

And that is why I love my friends.

Recent Annoyances...

Ok, so America proved once again last night that they are a bunch of idiots. Last night on American Idol (yeah I've watched this season, shut up, lol) they eliminated Chris Daughtry which is just a damn shame. Granted, when they first introduced him on the show I was like "He deserves this more than anyone, but America won't vote for him b/c he's a rocker... oh well." But I rooted for him anyways, and America surprised me for awhile by actually continuing to strongly vote for Chris. And Daughtry did his part by being awesome week after week (including that great rock version of Johnny Cash's "I Walk The Line").

He wound up outlasting a lot of the other people I was initially scared that he might lose to. So by this point, I really didn't feel there was anyone else that should or even could win over him. So I gotta say that last night was a complete shocker. The look on Daughtry's face said it all (see the pic below).
Even Simon Cowell had a shocked face, all like "oh great, now I gotta somehow market an album by one of these other tools... great job America..." I think he was surprised America was this dumb, b/c I think for once he was giving us the benefit of the doubt, lol. Way to prove him wrong everyone!

I mean in the end, it might work out better for Daughtry b/c since he didn't finish in the top 2, once the whole Idols Top 10 tour is over he can accept contracts from other places. That way he won't have to join in with Cowell and his writer cronies and have to sing some wuss pop/rock and can do what he wants instead. It still irritates me though.


-My second beef, is just something small I wanted to mention. Ariana is actually the one who pointed it out to me, b/c it bothers her even more (and she is more exposed to it). Apparently it is the new female fashion trend to wear clogs. Freakin CLOGS! The hell??? I haven't really seen it too much in NY (although Ariana says she sees it all the time downtown). But I saw it all over the place in Puerto Rico- hot girls, dressed nice and they ruin it with those horrible "shoes". Oh and what's worse... most of them aren't even normal colors like black or brown. They have them in like neon green, orange, yellow, etc. They are horrible!

So yeah message to all females out there. Stop it with the clogs, just stop it! They're ugly, it's not cute no matter what outfit you put it with. Trust me on this one (cuz this is both a female and male opinion, as Ariana is the one who is really against this, I'm just fully agreeing with her).


-And my final point of bitching- I was told by a fairly reliable source at Fordham U. that Fordham is raising the price of parking for both students and faculty next year.

Now when I heard this, I was pretty upset, b/c we are already paying $300 a year (which is a lot more than other colleges in the tri-state area- even other private schools). The reason they would give us for the high charge was that since there wasn't a lot of parking, they charged us due to demand. Well now that they made this parking garage there are hundreds more spaces so by their logic, the prices SHOULD go down right?

Well get this, then we were informed just how much they were raising the parking by. They are raising it to $500 for faculty and $1000 for students!!!!!

Upon hearing this, I was infuriated. Like I said $300 is ALREADY a ridiculous amount, so to increase the amount by upwards of 300% is just plain wrong.

There isn't a damn reason for it. It's just not fair to either the faculty or especially the incoming students. They are making the college way too expensive for the low and lower-middle class families to possibly afford, and it just isn't right. Someone really needs to talk to McShane. I've liked him so far, but I'm really against this move. Even if I'm not a part of Fordham by the next school year, I'm very opposed to this hike in price just in principle.