Friday, October 20, 2006

Cool movies and TV shows to watch

A few weekends ago I went with Ariana and David to go see The Protector, starring Tony Jaa (of Ong-Bak fame). Now I actually hadn't seen Ong-Bak (I need to just buy it, b/c my local Blockbuster doesn't even carry it), but I saw the commercials for The Protector and it looked freakin awesome.

And it lived up to the hype. Granted, there is basically NO plot (well okay, there is a plot but it consists of: Jaa protects elephants for the emperor, 2 elephants get kidnapped, Jaa must kick the asses of the elephant-nappers, and umm, yeah that's about it). And to top off the lack of plot, there are actually HOLES in something that simple (I won't ruin anything, but I just gotta say it has to do with the cop near the end of the movie).

So how do I give thumbs up to a movie like this? Simple- a movie like this needs very little plot when you have Tony Jaa doing all his own stunts and kicking ass like I've never seen ass kicked before. The action throughout the movie was just amazing! Especially, the "100%-less bloody than Kill Bill, yet just as brutal" brawl that Jaa had with like 25 henchmen, and the insane battle he had with Nathan Jones and the other two huge guys at the end of the movie. My jaw was on the floor for almost the entire movie. So if you enjoy kung fu action flicks, make sure you pick up (or at least rent) The Protector when it comes out on DVD.

The following weekend, we then completed my intended Kung-Fu Double Feature, by going to see Jet Li's- Fearless. This was another top notch action flick. The fight scenes were not as insane as The Protector's were, but the story was MUCH better, and it just had an overall "epic" feel to it. I definitely give my recomendation for this movie as well.


And moving onto TV shows, as I mentioned in a previous post, I decided to finally cave in and start getting into the new Battlestar Galactica series. I ordered the first season DVD set from Amazon the other week, and have gotten about halfway through it. The Sci-Fi network has also been doing mini-marathons the past few weeks of the second season, so I have been DVRing those to have them saved up for when I finish the DVD. So if I watch at around 3-5 episodes a week, I should be caught up in time to watch the third season, which just started the other week (yeah I've been DVRing those as well).

Obviously, I think the show is pretty cool, and now wish I had jumped on the bandwagon sooner.

-However, there is one show I've luckily decided to start watching right off the bat that has turned out awesome. And that show is NBC's- Heroes.

In all honesty, I hadn't even HEARD of the show until about a week before the first episode was about to air. But I saw a commercial and read some stuff online, and it sounded really cool.

It's basically like watching a live-action comic book. Apparently, the concept of the show is very similar to the comic book- Rising Stars. I've never read the comic, but I gotta say the show has sucked me in, and if that comic is like the show, then I might need to find a trade paperback of said comic.

The show has just been a lot of setup the past few weeks, so I can see some people complaining about pacing, but I found the ending to this past week's episode very exciting and just has me clamoring for me. So yeah, props to the writer's of the show. Here's hoping they don't get as off-track and confusing as Lost has gotten.


Lastly, has everyone seen the new video for Weird Al's latest song- "White & Nerdy"? If not, I have it posted on my myspace site, so you can check it out there. Enjoy!


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