Monday, November 27, 2006

Why didn't anyone tell me about this?

I have a new favorite TV show. About two weeks ago, I was flipping through the channels, and I wound up leaving it on Fox after the Simpsons and on came a show called Scrubs.

Now I had heard of the show, but never anything about it. I knew Joe & Marisa were fans, but I figured it was b/c the show was about doctors, and well they are going to med school so I just assumed it was b/c they related to things in it.

But no one ever told me, how freakin hilarious the show is. And most of the humor was absolutely nothing to do with being a doctor. It's just a smart, sometimes random, but always hysterical show.

And the best part is they play 2 episodes a night on both Fox AND Comedy Central, so I've been watching quite a few episodes lately (not all 4 a night, but I am DVRing the ones on Fox). Just a darn shame I'm only discovering the show now. Shame on all of you for not telling me about it! lol (and if you're not watching it yourself, then take my advice and start now- you won't be disappointed).

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

"Cuz I got high"?

The other day I was at work at the middle school for the after-school program we run. We were short on tutors, so the counselors themselves had to help some of the students out. So I was helping out two boys. One of them (Frankie) is a boy who has been in the program for a few years, and he's got quite a mouth on him. He's not really bad, he just can't shut up. The other is generally a good kid but he can act up when paired with Frankie.

Things were going well at first though, until Frankie decided he'd rather talk and ask me questions than do his work. So while I'm trying to help the other boy with his English homework, Frankie is talking away and when he finally realized I was trying to ignore him, he takes a slight pause, stares at me, then turns to the other boy and says "doesn't he look high?"

The other boy took a look at me, and quickly agreed, which got them both into a laughing fit. I tried to calm them down but they kept cracking jokes and asking when I toked up and stuff. I finally got them under control and doing work, but they kept "whispering" remarks to each other, and pantomiming someone taking a hit from a blunt. I then had to threaten to take them to the principal, which got them to shut up for a few more minutes. But then Frankie kept messing around with his pencil like he was going to break it, so I said to him "Frankie, quit it! You keep playing like that, you're gonna break that joint."

Yeah, I bet you caught that.

And so did I, as soon as the words left my mouth. Just a bad choice of words, but it's just a slang word I use sometimes. And of course the kids caught it. They didn't say anything though, due to my threat to take them to the principal, but I could see in their faces they wanted to bust out laughing. I found it pretty funny myself, but I wasn't gonna give them the satisfaction of seeing me smile, so I took Frankie's pencil to get it sharpened, and as I was walking away I heard Frankie whisper to the other boy "... and we see he's used to the word joint in his vocabulary..."

I almost busted out laughing myself as I was walking away.

I let it slide only b/c he said it low, and as I was walking away, but it got me thinking- do I normally look high? I was a little tired, but not overally so. And obviously, I wasn't high (I've never smoked in my entire life. The closest thing I've been to high are a few second-hand highs I've gotten at concerts from people smoking around me), but this actually was NOT the first time I've been told I look high.

When I worked at Yankee stadium a few years back, there were a few people that would ask me every once in awhile "Hey man, are you high?" or "wow, you look so high..." I just figured they said that b/c it was at a time when I was working 2 jobs and having 15 hour work days, so I'm sure I looked like a walking zombie, b/c I felt like it. But I guess it didn't help that words like "dude," "awesome," and "like" are constant parts of my vocabulary, lol.

So I was just curious if anyone else had noticed that about me? Most of you have known me for a good amount of years and I've never been told or ribbed by any of you about it, so I'm currently chalking it up to me just looking tired that day. But I just wanted to see.

I just thought it was an amusing story to share.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Spider-Man 3 Trailer


... yeah I'm psyched.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Two Things You All Need To Do This Week

-The first is, go and see Borat. It's really as funny as everyone has been saying. I went with some of the crew this past Friday and it was great. My cheeks and throat were hurting b/c I was laughing so hard the entire movie. There is one scene in particular (if you've seen it, you know exactly what I'm referring to) that was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen committed to film.

And something that added to the fun of the night was that Henry came to the theater dressed in full Borat attire, and stayed in character almost the whole night (including giving Borat as the name for our party over at Applebees, and just giving high-fives to random strangers). So that was amusing.

-And on a more serious note, the second thing you all need to do this week (well actually TOMORROW) is you all need to go vote. I know lots of people don't bother when it's not a Presidential election, but this year's election can be just as important. So make sure you all go out and make a difference!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Halloween Party

This weekend was Jeff's annual Halloween Party. We had gotten the invite a few weeks back, but we weren't sure we'd be able to make it, with us being ultra busy with school and all. But we had been wanting to do something for Halloween for the past few years so we decided we needed to go no matter what. And we're very glad we did.

We picked up our costumes (over at Frank Bees on E. Tremont) for this year later than usual (we only got them this past Wed), but they were pretty cool. I got a Space Ghost costume:

and Ariana went as Wonder Woman.

(Here's a pic of the two of us together).

Everyone had really good costumes at the party. Phil & Ketrin came as Cloud and Yuna (from Final Fantasy VII and X-2 respectively). Their costumes were especially impressive as they pretty much pieced them together and made them themselves.

(The heroes all together.)

Jordan & Maryann came as Gangsters, made even better by the fact that Jordan stayed in character a good portion of the night.

Oh and speaking of staying in character. Goombah came as a redneck, complete with mullet. He was pretty damn funny all night long.

Other costumes included the host, Jeff, as a very good Napoleon Dynamite; James as Kurt Angle (which led to some amusing pics. one of which is posted below); Pete as an Indian guy; and Joe & Patty as Michael Jackson and a Go-Go Dancer respectively.

There were other great costumes, but you can check out the rest of the pics in the album I created over at picasa.