Monday, November 06, 2006

Two Things You All Need To Do This Week

-The first is, go and see Borat. It's really as funny as everyone has been saying. I went with some of the crew this past Friday and it was great. My cheeks and throat were hurting b/c I was laughing so hard the entire movie. There is one scene in particular (if you've seen it, you know exactly what I'm referring to) that was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen committed to film.

And something that added to the fun of the night was that Henry came to the theater dressed in full Borat attire, and stayed in character almost the whole night (including giving Borat as the name for our party over at Applebees, and just giving high-fives to random strangers). So that was amusing.

-And on a more serious note, the second thing you all need to do this week (well actually TOMORROW) is you all need to go vote. I know lots of people don't bother when it's not a Presidential election, but this year's election can be just as important. So make sure you all go out and make a difference!


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