Friday, October 20, 2006

Stuff from the past 2 weeks

I know it's been my M.O. lately to fall behind for a few weeks and then play catch-up, but this time I have a legit excuse for falling behind. I've actually been quite busy, especially with school stuff. I just had my mid-term for my Professional Identities in School Counseling class last night. And oh man, was that a heck of a test. Luckily, I had been studying like crazy for it, but it was just SOOO much information I had to memorize. I think I did pretty well though, b/c I did remember what I needed to, so we'll see.


In other events, two Friday's ago was Alan's b-day dinner over at The Greek Corner on Central Ave. It was a nice place, but it was practically deserted- on a Friday night. And from what I was told, it's almost always that empty, which led to all of us cracking down on how it so has to be some kind of mafia joint.

We all had a good time though, everyone seemed to like the food, and since the place was so spacious and empty, we were able be as loud as we wanted (and not have to worry about scaring any kids or families away with any of the topics of conversation that may come up when our group gathers, lol).

So yeah, it was a good night, all the way up til I got back to my car, turned on the radio and heard the Yankees losing 5-0 to the Tigers. That was just painful. It was made even worse when the next day they actually got eliminated from the playoffs. Uggh, I don't even wanna talk about it right now. I'll have to come back and make a post about my thoughts on what the Yanks need to do for next year once I've had time to let things sink in.


Things picked up the next week though. I went with Ariana to go see Evanescence in concert over at Hammerstein Ballroom on that Monday night. They had a band called Revelation Theory open for them, and they didn't suck. Actually, their stuff was decent, and they even did a cover of Temple of the Dog's famous song- Hunger Strike that came out really well.

Evanescence's set was also very good. My only complaint about the show, well actually more about the venue itself, is that is not very "height-challenged" friendly. I personally have no problems, but I felt bad for poor Ariana as we just kept getting six foot people standing in front of us, blocking our view. The only place to get any kind of height if you are in standing room, is by going ALL the way to the back and standing either on the steps or in what is basically the ballroom's vestibule. And while the view is still fine, standing up there makes you feel kind of seperated from the show. Don't get me wrong, it was still a good show, but in the future I think we'll have to go for balcony seats just so our view isn't as obstructed by people in front of us.


Oh, while I have Evanescence on my mind, there is one thing I forgot to mention from the week before. I went to Bestbuy the first week of October to buy the X-Men 3 and Little Mermaid DVDs (the latter was for Ariana), as well as the new Evanescence and Killers CDs. I also brought the new Weird Al CD to the counter with me, but I wasn't sure if I was gonna get it b/c they had it priced at $17.99 even though I saw it on the bestbuy website for $13.99. So I went up to pay, but before I did I asked the cashier to check the price for me. It read at $17.99 so I decided not to buy it. So the cashier continued to process the rest of my order, and when I was gonna swipe my credit card to pay, I ask how much everything was and she says "$34.59." I immediately realize this can't be right, without even doing the math in my head. But I wasn't about to look a gift-horse in the mouth. So I paid and swiftly made my way out of the store. As I'm exiting, I look over my receipt and realized that she charged me for both the DVD's but not for either of the CDs! So I got what I like to call a "divine intervention" discount, lol.

And believe it or not, this is NOT the first time anything like this has happened to me at a Bestbuy. This is actually probably at LEAST the third time, if not more. Just another reason why Bestbuy is my favoritist store ever! lol.


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