Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Getting in touch with my inner child

Well that actually isn't very hard for me, but it was amplified last weekend (the 20th). I went downtown with Ariana for her seven year-old nephew, Matthew's, birthday party. It was originally supposed to be at the Chelsea Piers bowling alley, as it is every year. However, the owners decided pretty much out of nowhere to close the place down temporarily for remodeling or something. So Carlos & Jody (Ariana's brother and his wife) were forced to move the party to another location last minute.

We wound up having the party at Two Boots Pizza. It's basically a regular pizza place (that also has a video store attached to it for some reason), but they have a downstairs room that has a move projector and screen and was big enough for a party.

So when I arrived all the kids were watching one of the Pokemon movies on the screen. And boy were there a lot of kids. I tried counting them, but they were moving around so much it was hard to keep track. But I knew there were over 30 (I later learned there were 35 altogether).

Things got amusing after the movie ended though. Ariana's brother and his wife had hired a magician and he was supposed to be there at 6:30, just as the movie was ending. Thing is, the magician ran a little late and they didn't really have anything to keep 35 kids who were hyped up on caffiene from soda busy. So things got a little nuts. The kids were jumping around in their seats and just being really loud. The situation made me crack up, b/c it made me think of the scene in the movie- Gremlins, when the Gremlins are at the movie theater going absolutely nuts in their seats before the movie begins. I shared this with Ariana afterwards, and she got a good laugh out of it.

But in all honesty it wasn't that bad. The kids were just loud, but they were pretty well behaved, especially considering how many of them there were. And they completely calmed down once the magician arrived and did his thing. The magician was actually pretty good. I brought my camcorder with me to the party, so I recorded the whole set as well as other parts of the party, which will be cool to look back on.

After the party was over, we went back to Carlos & Jody's place for my favorite part of Matthew's birthdays- the opening of the presents. I enjoy it every year, b/c I basically become the official toy assembler for the more complex gifts he gets, heh. He didn't get as many big gifts as in previous years though, so I didn't have to do much. But it's always cute to watch the reaction of a young kid to a bunch of presents. So a good time was had by all.


Then the next day, we pretty much chilled in for the day, except we did swing by Bestbuy. we went b/c I had a bunch of coupons that I earned mostly from when I bought the camcorder. I basically had $70 worth of certificates, so I wanted to pick up a few things. So I finally got the Lego Star Wars 2 game for the Xbox, as well as a few DVD's including Ong-Bak, Robots (I got those 2 onsale), Over the Hedge, and lastly Lady & The Tramp for Ariana. So with the exception of Ong-Bak, if you had seen my stack of purchases you probably would have thought I was buying that stuff for a kid or something, heh.


The next day, I did the normal Sunday routine, except that I was the one to bring the entertainment to my grandparent's house this weekend. So I decided to bring the Mr. Bean series collection to watch and we through about three episodes. It's been a long time since I had seen many of those episodes so we all got a kick out of watching them,

Then later that night, I actually hosted wrestling PPV night at my place for the huge TNA PPV- Bound for Glory. So Ariana, Phil and James came over to watch it, and we had a really good time. We were actually looking more forward to this show than the last few WWE PPVs and it delivered. The show was really freakin good, with a bunch of very solid matches (including an insane X-title match, the Tag team cage match, and the Kurt Angle-Samoa Joe confrontation).


Oh, something I forgot to mention earlier-Ariana's brother lives right around Union Square so when we were heading home from his place, we passed by Irving Plaza and noticed that Lostprophets were actually going to be in concert that week. We actually weren't able to make the show that I had won tickets to up in Poughkeepsie the previous weekend, b/c Ariana was sick, and my back was acting up really bad. We actually wound up just staying in that night, not even being able to go to Gaetano's b-day party either. So I was psyched to be able to at least make up missing the show.

So we picked up tix for the show early in the week (Ariana went down to the box office so we could bypass paying the evil ticketmaster fees), and went to the show this past Thursday. It was a really good show. It wasn't very crowded, so we had a good amount of space around us and a great view. They also played an awesome set list (a lot of stuff off their second album, which is my favorite of theirs). And the show was cheap (only $16.50), so it was definitely worth it, eliminating my regret from missing the original show.


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